Author Topic: code::blocks as a building block  (Read 8637 times)

Offline fiammy

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code::blocks as a building block
« on: April 08, 2005, 12:04:53 pm »

I'm planning to create an IDE for the MAD Engine, and am considering the wxWidgets toolkit.
However, when I see the amount of work already done in code::blocks, it would really jumpstart my development if I would be able to use some (or all) of it.

Is it possible to change code::blocks in such a way that one can manage other things than C/C++ files with it? I'm thinking about Adventure game scenes, art management, script development etc... I noticed that there is a SDK available, but I'm not sure whether the SDK gives enough power to the modules to change the entire application.

If this isn't the case, maybe I would fork the latest CVS code and start building from there.

Thanks for any reply

Offline mandrav

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code::blocks as a building block
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2005, 12:30:31 pm »
Is it possible to change code::blocks in such a way that one can manage other things than C/C++ files with it

That's the reason it was designed like it is :)
Although, I 'm not aware of any attempts to alter its behaviour like this, it should be possible theoretically.
Basically, you 'd have to re-implement whole or parts of the ProjectManager and cbEditor classes. These are responsible for the project tree and the editor windows. Also, while working on this, you should disable all plugins. You 're not needing them anyway, from what I understand...

Don't hesitate to ask anything about Code::Blocks' internals.
Be patient!
This bug will be fixed soon...

Offline rickg22

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code::blocks as a building block
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2005, 01:57:20 am »
And remember! It's GPL'ed, so you can just republish it as your "building block" whatever on Sourceforge :)

Offline fiammy

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code::blocks as a building block
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2005, 11:21:07 pm »
That's nice to know.  I was able to get Code::Blocks to build on Code::Blocks, but with wxWidgets 2.5.4 (the devpak available on Now, I'll have to think very good about what I really want before starting to throw things together... What you suggested, looking at ProjectManager and cbEditor seems the starting point.

Thanks for a great project