Author Topic: Trying to follow CB Linux Wiki  (Read 30909 times)

Offline Pecan

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Trying to follow CB Linux Wiki
« on: January 14, 2006, 06:26:18 am »
I'm trying to follow the instructions in the CB Wiki for installing
on Linux. (ubuntu 510)

I'm getting the following err:
pecan@herman:~$ cd devel
pecan@herman:~/devel$ dir
pecan@herman:~/devel$ tar zxf wxGTK-2.6.2.tar.gz
pecan@herman:~/devel$ dir
wxGTK-2.6.2  wxGTK-2.6.2.tar.gz
pecan@herman:~/devel$ tar zxf wxGTK-2.6.2.tar.gz
pecan@herman:~/devel$ dir
wxGTK-2.6.2  wxGTK-2.6.2.tar.gz
pecan@herman:~/devel$ mkdir build_gtk2_shared_monolithic_unicode
pecan@herman:~/devel$ cd build_gtk2_shared_monolithic_unicode
pecan@herman:~/devel/build_gtk2_shared_monolithic_unicode$ ../configure --prefix=/opt/wx/2.6 \
>        --enable-xrc \
>        --enable-monolithic \
>        --enable-unicode
bash: ../configure: No such file or directory

what happened ?

Does it mean no such file as "configure" or no such file as what??
« Last Edit: January 14, 2006, 06:28:29 am by Pecan »

Offline cyberkoa

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Re: Trying to follow CB Linux Wiki
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2006, 06:41:22 am »
I forget where is the "configure" script under wxGTK and I am now in Windows.

Check whether there is a file named "configure" under the folder ~/devel/ .., if not , use the following command to find the "configure" script location

find ~/devel -name configure

after getting the location , change folder to that location and key in the below command

./configure --prefix=/opt/wx/2.6   --enable-xrc  --enable-monolithic  --enable-unicode

(take note only 1 dot in front)

hope it helps.

Offline Pecan

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Re: Trying to follow CB Linux Wiki
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2006, 07:32:29 am »
Ok  thanks, it got a little further I think, maybe
Does the following mean I dont have a compiler on ubuntu?
Or does it mean the path is wrong??

pecan@herman:~$ find ~/devel -name configure
pecan@herman:~$ cd /home/pecan/devel/wxGTK-2.6.2/src/expat/configure
bash: cd: /home/pecan/devel/wxGTK-2.6.2/src/expat/configure: Not a directory
pecan@herman:~$ cd /home/pecan/devel/wxGTK-2.6.2/src/expat/
pecan@herman:~/devel/wxGTK-2.6.2/src/expat$ ./configure --prefix=/opt/wx/2.6     --enable-xrc        --enable-monolithic        --enable-unicode
checking for gcc... no
checking for cc... no
checking for cc... no
checking for cl... no
configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH
See `config.log' for more details.


Offline Pecan

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Re: Trying to follow CB Linux Wiki
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2006, 07:59:56 am »
Ok got pass that. It seems ubuntu users must do

 sudo apt-get install build-essential

in order to get the c++ compiler

ok, off to the races.


Offline Ceniza

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Re: Trying to follow CB Linux Wiki
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2006, 08:13:37 am »
Be sure to get latest autoconf, automake, libtool, be sure aclocal points to the most recent one (I had problems because of this, the solution is in the forums).

Also get wx-common and libwxgtk2.6 (you must check the right name of this one).

To search for packages, try: apt-cache search what

Example: apt-cache search libwxgtk 2.6

Offline Pecan

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Re: Trying to follow CB Linux Wiki
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2006, 08:38:01 am »
In the wiki, there is the following statement refering to

add /opt/wx/2.6/lib to /etc/ (nano /etc/ then run:

ubuntu evidently doesnt have such a beast. At least not on
this ubuntu. I have a /et/ Do I modify that??


Thanks ceniza, I'm beginning to wonder why anyone would
want to run linux. It took me all day to GIVE UP on trying to get
it to communicate with windows.

And now, all this, jeezzh

Offline Ceniza

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Re: Trying to follow CB Linux Wiki
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2006, 08:49:26 am »
You don't need to modify that file if you'ren't going to compile wxWidgets by yourself.

"Communicate with Windows". What you mean, samba shares? The easiest way is thru KDE, but Ubuntu comes with Gnome :P

Another way is to mount those shares, but I'mn't sure which package enables smbfs... maybe samba itself?

Anyway, the force be with you, the bed with me.

Good luck, and use the forums, many answers to those Linux questions have been given there.

Offline tiwag

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Re: Trying to follow CB Linux Wiki
« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2006, 10:15:25 am »
Quote from: Pecan
... I'm beginning to wonder why anyone would
want to run linux. It took me all day to GIVE UP on trying to get
it to communicate with windows...

it worked very easy for me ...
start "File Browser" or run the command nautilus from terminal,
then navigate to or create a folder, which one you want to share with windows.

right click on it and select: "Share folder"
then choose "SMB" option .
if you don't have SMB installed at that time, you'll get asked if you want to install smb package now
and if you accept it'll be installed instantly.

after installing smb, you have to configure the new share
go to "General Windows sharing settings" give a host description name
and for windows it is the best, to use the same Workgroup name as you use on your Windows which you want to communicate with.
i have WINS disabled.

that's it, it may take a few minutes until windows recognices the new server in the workgroup,
but if you know the network share UNC name  like \\ubuntu510\shared
you can access it instantly.

dont forget to check your firewall settings, in order not to block communication... ;-)

this works for me without troubles:
WS Ubuntu510
connected using ethernet with a hub

Offline Pecan

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Re: Trying to follow CB Linux Wiki
« Reply #8 on: January 14, 2006, 03:18:13 pm »
Firstly, thanks EVERYONE for your patients.! :D

In the wiki, there is the following statement refering to

add /opt/wx/2.6/lib to /etc/ (nano /etc/ then run:

ubuntu evidently doesnt have such a beast. At least not on
this ubuntu. I have a /et/ Do I modify that??
You don't need to modify that file if you'ren't going to compile wxWidgets by yourself.

Well, yes, I intent to do everyting on Linux that I do on Windows
in order to support and test the code I write/modify.

RE: seach of the forum for answers. I do. Then I go to google. But dumb me often does not know what to search for.

If you'll  tell me that "you should have searched for 'x' " etc, I'll learn
the keys of the linux kingdom. But.. seaching this forum for
/etc/, I get no hits.

Sorry for the negativity last night/this morning. I had been working with
ubuntu/wx for 20 hrs straight. Should have stopped hours before.

EDIT: if we dont need to modify this file, why is it
int the wiki instructions?

« Last Edit: January 14, 2006, 03:31:34 pm by Pecan »

Offline Pecan

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Re: Trying to follow CB Linux Wiki
« Reply #9 on: January 14, 2006, 04:17:30 pm »
Quote from: Pecan
took me all day to GIVE UP on trying to get
it to communicate with windows...
it worked very easy for me ...
but if you know the network share UNC name  like \\ubuntu510\shared
you can access it instantly.

dont forget to check your firewall settings, in order not to block communication... ;-)

thanks tiwag

I turned off the XP firewall. I dont know what to set in there.

I installed smb and smbfs and created the share "pecan" and "usr"
on "Herman"the ubuntu 510 system. Herman shows up in my XPsp2
workgroup "MSHOME" but when I click on it, it asks me for
a user name and password. I type that in and it just keeps
repeatedly asking over and over.

I create and new user "guest" with pswd on ubuntu and tried
to log in with that from  XP. No go.

Any suggestions are welcome. It would be nice to be able to
workgroup these systems instead of CD-networking.


Offline mandrav

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Re: Trying to follow CB Linux Wiki
« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2006, 04:32:30 pm »
I create and new user "guest" with pswd on ubuntu and tried
to log in with that from  XP. No go.

Any suggestions are welcome. It would be nice to be able to
workgroup these systems instead of CD-networking.


You have to add a new user for SMB. You could give it the same username and password as your existing ubuntu user.
To do this, open a console and type the following (assuming you want create a user named 'pecan'):

sudo smbpasswd -a pecan

It will ask you twice for the new password and you 're done.
Be patient!
This bug will be fixed soon...

Offline Game_Ender

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Re: Trying to follow CB Linux Wiki
« Reply #11 on: January 14, 2006, 04:37:07 pm »
Why are you going through the pain of installing wxWidgets yourself?   I will update the wiki to be clear that you don't need to compile wxWidgets yourself if you are on Ubuntu 5.10, or any other distro that has a unicode build of wxGTK 2.6.X available.  The wxgtk2.6-dev package contains a perfectly fine version of wxWidgets I have compiled Code::Blocks against it many times.

You should also probably install your libraries to /usr/local/lib, that is the traditional place for them.  Almost all programs you build from source do this automatically so you don't need to tell them where to go with the --prefix command.  It is important to remember there is a windows way, and there is a linux way to do things.  Don't try the windows way on Linux.  You also don't need different subdirs for each wxWidgets version.  The libary names are unique so that you can have 2.6 unicode, 2.6 ansi, 2.6 unicode-debug, 2.6 ansi-debug, 2.5 unicode, 2.4 ansi, etc builds all in the same folder without any fear of over writing the libraries.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2006, 05:30:09 pm by Game_Ender »

Offline Pecan

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Re: Trying to follow CB Linux Wiki
« Reply #12 on: January 14, 2006, 05:12:36 pm »
You have to add a new user for SMB. You could give it the same username and password as your existing ubuntu user.
To do this, open a console and type the following (assuming you want create a user named 'pecan'):

sudo smbpasswd -a pecan

It will ask you twice for the new password and you 're done.

WOW!!!  That did the trick. Man, there are 1000s of ubuntu
users out there on Google trying to figure out these tricks.

I spent hours reading "workgrouping linux" messages
yesterday. And you had it in your head the whole time.



keywords ubuntu breezy windows workgoup workgroups linux smb smbfs samba
« Last Edit: December 16, 2006, 11:42:52 pm by Pecan »

Offline Pecan

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Re: Trying to follow CB Linux Wiki
« Reply #13 on: January 14, 2006, 05:18:55 pm »
Why are you going through the pain of installing wxWidgets yourself?   I will update the wiki to be clear...

Ok, guess I'll skip that instruction. That's what I needed to know.
I'll walk the rest of the wiki. So confusing..... what parts to use
and what parts not to.

Should I just plug along with the way thing are now or
start over again? Maybe I should copy GTK in both places
/opt... and /usr   will that work?


Offline Pecan

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Re: Trying to follow CB Linux Wiki
« Reply #14 on: January 14, 2006, 05:30:14 pm »
The wxgtk2.6-dev package contains a perfectly fine version of wxWidgets I have compiled Code::Blocks against it many times.

I searched google for "wxgtk2.6-dev" and got no hits.
Is this package different from the one mentioned in the wiki?
Could you include a url?
