Have you read my post?
If you are using a custom make file, you use c::b only as ide, without the whole build management system...
It's more clear now. I followed your suggestions and now compilation seems to proceed in right way.
Nevertheless errors occurs ... this time caused by code. I've already posted them on gcc forum, but also repeat it here hoping that someone already faced such cases (please, see the Build log on the image below).
From the core of error message it follows that processor selection is wrong, but I didn't specify any processor in compiler settings.
I founded the code that caused the problem. It's located inside of startup-gcc.c file (the last name in compiler command). Here is this code (extract):
They will have fun on the gcc forum, when you come with this questions. I think your project is clearly miss configured to build smooth, so this is no code error but your configuration error. It seems that contiki is a large project, and that they are using makefiles to build theirs code. So i recommend you (unless you are really willing to go deep in their build system and port it to the c::b build system) to use their build system...
You are in better hands if you go to the contiki forum/mailing list/ chat, and ask how their build system work, and what minimal files you need to use it, and then you can come back and ask us, how you apply this settings in a c::b project...
Besides the compiler problem I've another question (I didn't find answer in Code::Block manual) - is there a possibility to "integrate" in some way the code from Makefile.include file, that configure all necessary option for compiler depending on TARGET. The reference on this file is included in all custom contiki project. Such thing would grately simplify project making with Code::Blocks (you can see this file in attachement).
I don't think that it is possible to use a make configuration file in the build system of c::b unless you use only make (and so you use c::b ONLY as editor). This two systems are completely different... (maybe you can miss use the pre and post build steps, to set the correct global variables that gcc uses, but i think this is complex, and you really need a deep understanding of the build process, and the code structure of contiki)
As conclusion: I recommend you to use the build system contiki provides you. With this you will be on a fast track of success. If you know more details about the build process you can start to port this to c::b. Anyway this could be great fun, but also great work...