As usual while waiting for the next release - don't forget to check the nightly builds in the forum.
I have tried this and apart from the old problem [...]
[...] a new issue appeared; it displays the same available keyword twice and still insists to concatenate the word right after colon.
Did the setting resolve your old problem?
My apologies, but I do not understand your description. Could you try to explain it again?
Quote from: ollydbg on November 22, 2013, 01:29:14 amI see this error: (see screen shot below)It happens when I open a simple wx2.8.12 project(from wx wizard), or press the build button. Have any CB project in the past used two scripts in the Compiler other options before?I think two does NOT work; I deleted either one and the error went away on the next project re-build.Tim S.
I see this error: (see screen shot below)It happens when I open a simple wx2.8.12 project(from wx wizard), or press the build button.
-pipe-mthreads[[if (PLATFORM == PLATFORM_MSW && (GetCompilerFactory().GetCompilerVersionString(_T("gcc")) >= _T("4.0.0"))) print(_T("-Wno-attributes"));]][[if (GetCompilerFactory().GetCompilerVersionString(_T("gcc")) >= _T("4.8.0")) print(_T("-Wno-unused-local-typedefs"));]]-Winvalid-pch-include wx_pch.h
-Wno-attributes came from rev 4596:Code have removed -Wno-attributes from the wizard in trunk now, as -Wno-unused-local-typedefs looks to be currently a much more useful command.
Why don't we have check boxes for these -W flags in compiler settings?
Quote from: dmoore on November 22, 2013, 10:06:42 pmWhy don't we have check boxes for these -W flags in compiler settings?Seems nobody configured it in the related XML compiler settings.
Do note that the GUI does support Right click->New flag, so if you want your local version to have more flags, it is as easy as that.
Is this normal, or I hit a bug?
/* * Placed in Public Domain where applicable permitted by law. * USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK! */#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#define nil ((void *)0)typedef struct { int postal_code; const char *address;} street_info_t;typedef struct { street_info_t **st_info; const char *company_name;} generic_t;street_info_t * str_constructor(void) { street_info_t *tmp = (street_info_t *) malloc(sizeof(street_info_t)); if (tmp == nil) { return nil; } return tmp;}void str_destructor(street_info_t **self) { if (*self != nil) { free(*self); *self = nil; } return;}generic_t * constructor(void) { generic_t *tmp = (generic_t *) malloc(sizeof(generic_t)); if (tmp == nil) { return nil; } return tmp;}void destructor(generic_t **self) { if (*self != nil) { free(*self); *self = nil; } return;}int main(void){ generic_t *prd = constructor(); street_info_t *street = str_constructor(); prd->st_info = &street; prd->company_name = "Disney Land"; (*prd->st_info)->address = "Mikey Mouse avenue, Neverland"; (*prd->st_info)->postal_code = 1010; printf("Company Name: %s\n", prd->company_name); printf("Address: %s\n", (*prd->st_info)->address); printf("Postal code: %d\n", (*prd->st_info)->postal_code); str_destructor(&street); prd->st_info = nil; destructor(&prd); return 0;}