WinAVR had his last update a few years back (i think 2010)
http://sourceforge.net/p/winavr/code/HEAD/tree/MHV Avr tools is a bit more up-to date
http://www.makehackvoid.com/node/578/releaseso i think it should be also in the search path for the gcc:
Index: src/plugins/compilergcc/resources/compilers/compiler_avr-gcc.xml
--- src/plugins/compilergcc/resources/compilers/compiler_avr-gcc.xml (revision 9154)
+++ src/plugins/compilergcc/resources/compilers/compiler_avr-gcc.xml (working copy)
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
<if platform="windows">
<Search path="C:\WinAVR*"/>
+ <Search path="C:\Program Files\MHV AVR Tools*"/>
+ <Search path="C:\Program Files (x86)\MHV AVR Tools*"/>
<Fallback path="C:\WinAVR"/>
it works on win7 64bit, but should also work on other win