Author Topic: "windres" options differing from MinGw 3.1.0 to 3.  (Read 8179 times)


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"windres" options differing from MinGw 3.1.0 to 3.
« on: February 07, 2005, 01:35:31 pm »

I posted this to the compilers faq, but i think this is the better place.

I used to be a Dev-Cpp user, also having the borland compiler embedded in some editors (e. g. "Programmers Notepad" or "JFE").

I'm not completely satisfied with both, because there is always something annoying:
- Dev-Cpp produces often system hang-ups, especially when debugging
- Borland Compiler is rather old and is missing some features (e.g. "ddk")
   but is has an excellent and stable console debugger.

After testing Beta5 release I'm planning to switch completely to C::Bjavascript:emoticon(':wink:')

I finally now to what wanted to mention:
With MinGw 3.4.2 all is fine.
With the compiler download MinGw 3.1.0 there is a problem in "windres" options:
"-J" is not supported and "-I" (involved in the "$res_includes" macro) has the meaning of "-J".
This is the same with the dev-cpp compiler installation (3.3.1).

Since I dont't want to have multiple installations of MinGw, I had to leave out the "$res_includes" macro and change the setting for resource compiler to:
"$rescomp -i $file -I rc -o $resource_output -O coff"

Is there a way for me to edit the macro?

And there is a little feature request:
Is there a chance to define a macro for configuring tools, so that you can pass a highlighted/marked string?
This would be usefull when configuring win32api.hlp as a tool.

GDB support multiple formats of watches (char, dec, hex, oct). It would be great, if you could choose the display format of each watch!

Yannis, I must say that you are really doing a good job. I appreciative that!javascript:emoticon(':D')
Very Happy


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Re: "windres" options differing from MinGw 3.1.0 t
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2005, 03:31:05 pm »
Quote from: Anonymous
Since I dont't want to have multiple installations of MinGw, I had to leave out the "$res_includes" macro and change the setting for resource compiler to:
"$rescomp -i $file -I rc -o $resource_output -O coff"

Is there a way for me to edit the macro?

What do you want to change? I don't get it, sorry...

Quote from: Anonymous
Is there a chance to define a macro for configuring tools, so that you can pass a highlighted/marked string?
This would be usefull when configuring win32api.hlp as a tool.

Yes, I will add one (it's trivial)...

Quote from: Anonymous
GDB support multiple formats of watches (char, dec, hex, oct). It would be great, if you could choose the display format of each watch!

The debugger has not gotten the development focus it requires, yet...
But, trust me, it will as soon as the compiler issues have been ironed out :)

Thanks for your comments,
Be patient!
This bug will be fixed soon...


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"windres" options differing from MinGw 3.1.0 to 3.
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2005, 03:48:47 pm »
It is true, it happened to me also with version 3.1.0 of MinGW:

By default windres gives errors. It's nor enough to change -J to -I, I had to remove also the $res_includes option to eliminate the error message:
Directory : D:\Tutorial\mdi\
Switching to target: default
Compiling: main.rc
windres.exe: unknown format type `C:\\MinGW\\include'
windres.exe: supported formats: rc res coff
Process terminated with status 1 (0 minutes, 0 seconds)

So with MinGW version 3.1.0-1 the functional line is:
$rescomp -i $file -I rc -o $resource_output -O coff

I did not tested this problem with the newer version of MinGW.