First, i would like to thank you all for this great IDE. It is by far the best open source IDE i have seen yet. And it seems to be getting better and better, as the CVS head screenshots show.
So, i've tried to compile it, so that i could start playing a bit with it and changing the things that bother me most, but i have come over a few issues in the build information (README-wx2.6.0):
- first, it states that MSYS is not required... This is not exactly true: in fact, it is necessary NOT TO have MSYS (at least not in the path). Else, wxWidgets can't compile.
- then, i was not able to compile Code::Blocks. I had to add the wxWidgets directories into the Compiler settings, else wx files could not be found. I'm not sure if this is normal, but i have otherwise followed all the instructions... so i guess some information was missing
- finally, the "zip.exe" missing for update, but i was able to find this elsewhere on this forum.
Once this was done, it worked fine, but it would be nice if the build info were updated.