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User forums => Using Code::Blocks => Topic started by: Azra on February 27, 2008, 05:16:39 pm

Title: ANSI Build/Windows ME compatibility
Post by: Azra on February 27, 2008, 05:16:39 pm
Hey guys,
I just wanted to ask, how i can get the newest nighties to work on Windows ME.
If there's no compatibility for ME in the newer nightlies, It'd be very nice if you could give me a link to the newest (even if its 2 years old xD) ANSI build.
Or, if you have the time, someone could explain how to build an ANSI-build from the source code. That would be really nice..
Title: Re: ANSI Build/Windows ME compatibility
Post by: killerbot on February 27, 2008, 05:21:38 pm
we really stopped supporting ansi builds. Long long time someone created ansi builds, but I think none of them is still available.

Maybe someone else still knows how to do it, but I even forgot it ;-)
And sorry, we are not going to put time into that.
Title: Re: ANSI Build/Windows ME compatibility
Post by: Ibbur on February 27, 2008, 06:59:39 pm
Maybe you could use libunicows ( to enable unicode on Win9x.
Title: Re: ANSI Build/Windows ME compatibility
Post by: Azra on February 27, 2008, 07:03:00 pm
Thanks, is it sufficient to download and install the runtime, or do I have to build CB with the lib?

Because I don't really know how to do it...
Title: Re: ANSI Build/Windows ME compatibility
Post by: Ibbur on February 27, 2008, 07:25:33 pm
It is just an import lib for unicows.dll (aka MSLU) or Opencow ( from the Mozilla project. An assembly that wants to support unicode on Win9x/Me must link it as the the first library. I am not sure if it is enough to link Code::Blocks with libunicows, or if you have to link wxWidgets with it also/only.
Title: Re: ANSI Build/Windows ME compatibility
Post by: Azra on February 28, 2008, 11:51:57 pm
I just sat there for about 6 hours and tried to compile Code::Blocks. the only thing i got were errors. a lot of them. I have absolutely no clue how to start and what to do - I never did someting like this before. I have the source for both wxWidgets and Code::Blocks. and I have a WindowsXP PC with a CB 8.02 and MinGW on it. since Everything I tried to do resulted in massive failure, I'll just simply ask: "What do I do now?". I'm kinda frustrated... All i wanted to do was to get CodeBlocks to run on a friend's computer who can't afford himself a newer one. And now I'm confronted with all that advanced stuff trying to kill me...

I can't even compile the wxWidgets dll (look at picture)

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: ANSI Build/Windows ME compatibility
Post by: Biplab on February 29, 2008, 12:34:46 am
I didn't try this. But you should first compile wxWidgets in Unicode mode with MSLU support enabled. Use the following command.
mingw32-make -f makefile.gcc BUILD=release SHARED=1 UNICODE=1 MSLU=1 MONOLITHIC=1

Once the wx dll is compiled, you should be able to compile C::B and C::B should now run on Win ME.
Title: Re: ANSI Build/Windows ME compatibility
Post by: Azra on February 29, 2008, 01:47:11 pm
If I write is that way he says that the DJGPP environment variable isn't set (I checked it - it is set: d:\asm\djgpp\djgpp.env). if i write an .exe after mindw32-make, he gives me same errors as in the picture...
Title: Re: ANSI Build/Windows ME compatibility
Post by: TDragon on March 07, 2008, 05:50:13 am
By downloading this build you are agreeing that, in all likelihood, you will receive no support while using it.

I have created a true ANSI build of Code::Blocks 8.02 and the wxWidgets DLL, which you can download here ( (11.3 MB).

In my preliminary testing on Windows 98 (in VMWare) it seemed to work. You may or may not need to install the Platform SDK shfolder.dll redistributable (
Title: Re: ANSI Build/Windows ME compatibility
Post by: CryptonNite on February 28, 2009, 09:51:53 am
Hi, I'm new here.

OK, this thread is a litte bit old, but I managed Code::Blocks 8.02 to work under Windows 98 / ME and I want to let you know how I did this.
First, it is not as fast as under Windows 2000 and the Help menu doesn't work (C::B crashes) but all other functions are working well.
I needed a good IDE for Windows ME because I'm working on a driver for my good old 3Dfx Voodoo5 5500 (I have the original driver sources from 3Dfx).

( (
C::B is running well on my german Windows ME.

All you have to do is to install "KernelEx 0.3.6" from and add codeblocks.exe=winxp to the file %WINDIR%\kexver.inf and install the Unicode layer from Microsoft.
Now you can start Code::Blocks and it will run. It looks like there are some bugs with Opera, because I had some crashes when running it at the same time.
Title: Re: ANSI Build/Windows ME compatibility
Post by: madman420 on August 27, 2009, 10:54:33 am
TDragon, That Win9x ANSI build works great (on winME), Thanks a lot!

I tired compiling the source myself, according to:

...but, it wasn't until after I successfully compiled wx w/ ansi, that I realized I needed Code::Blocks to build itself!!

The differences between Windows 9x and XP / 2000 (in situations like this) is really minimal.  I wish others would quit helping Microsoft to obsolete their products (and therefore their customer's machines); Windows 9x compatibility can be had with only a few extra lines of code and avoidance of API calls that only work with specific (newer) versions of Windows.
Title: Re: ANSI Build/Windows ME compatibility
Post by: MortenMacFly on August 27, 2009, 01:51:21 pm
Windows 9x compatibility can be had with only a few extra lines of code and avoidance of API calls that only work with specific (newer) versions of Windows.
That is correct. But also the devs need Win9x/ME for development/testing which is not the case (at least to my knowledge). However - patches are welcome.
Title: Re: ANSI Build/Windows ME compatibility
Post by: Conan Kudo on August 28, 2009, 12:04:00 am
I might make some builds for it, because I have been meaning to post my old installer as part of a portfolio of installers for potential contractors to see that I am competent at making installers. I have REALLY old builds of C::B that are Unicode/ANSI (build 2417 is the latest I have), so it might be a good idea for me to go ahead and set up a build environment to make a recent build (likely just the 8.02 release version).