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Developer forums (C::B DEVELOPMENT STRICTLY!) => Development => Topic started by: Ceniza on July 11, 2005, 01:26:13 am

Title: No again @ weird "error"
Post by: Ceniza on July 11, 2005, 01:26:13 am
The first time I compiled Code::Blocks with wxWidgets 2.6.0 I got a weird "error" and couldn't find the reason.

Decided to compile wxWidgets 2.6.1 and recompile Code::Blocks and it (the "error") went away.

A few days ago I got Windows XP to self-destruct and I had to reinstall it, even though I saved all my stuff (back-up), including my MinGW installation, compiled libraries (including DLL and .a), Code::Blocks CVS and the latest functional version I compiled.

I decided to run Code::Blocks but the weird "error" is back, I recompiled it and the error is still there. I cannot really find the reason, it makes no sense at all.

Here's a screenshot (see the red ?): (ignore the code, I was testing the Code Completion plugin)

The "workspace widget/tree" isn't drawn at all, even though it's functional: if I open a project and click here and there the files get opened and with right click I get the menus, but it'll still be the same white space.

Anyone else has run into that? Got to solve it? Know the reason at least?
Title: No again @ weird "error"
Post by: Ceniza on July 11, 2005, 03:35:35 am
Ok, it seems I finally found the problem.

Code::Blocks by default tries to open HOMEDIR/.CodeBlocks/default.workspace, which I hadn't. I added an empty file with that name there and nothing happened. I got to rename it, save it, get it to load again (restarting Code::Blocks) and nothing.

I changed the Environment settings of "On application start-up" to "open blank workspace", restarted Code::Blocks and it worked!

So... it's a Code::Blocks' problem. Was it already fixed and I missed it?
Title: No again @ weird "error"
Post by: rickg22 on July 11, 2005, 04:14:35 am
Man! You should report it to Sourceforge. I found a couple of configuration problems (registry) as well. Reported them, btw.
Title: Re: No again @ weird "error"
Post by: tiwag on July 11, 2005, 08:36:07 am
Quote from: Ceniza
... Code::Blocks but the weird "error" is back
... Here's a screenshot (see the red ?):
...Anyone else has run into that?...

get the same bug here, when compiling CB with wx261
Title: No again @ weird "error"
Post by: David Perfors on July 11, 2005, 10:23:20 am
Me to... even when I open a project..
Title: Re: No again @ weird "error"
Post by: tiwag on July 12, 2005, 01:13:08 am
i compiled CB CVS HEAD just now and unfortunately the "no Workspace bug" hasn't gone  :(

look at the "?"

Title: No again @ weird "error"
Post by: Ceniza on July 12, 2005, 01:32:20 am
Try this: Open Code::Blocks, go to Settings, Environments, View.

Now set "On application start-up" to "Open blank workspace". Save the changes, close Code::Blocks and open it again. That made it for me.

A new weird "error" I'm getting with the current CVS version (the one using wxDockIt) is this one (no ? needed to show what it is this time :))

It happens when I open Code::Blocks, sometimes when I'm going to edit a file, when I click on Symbols tab, ...

If I restore and maximize again it gets in the right place.
Title: No again @ weird "error"
Post by: tiwag on July 12, 2005, 02:03:12 am
Quote from: Ceniza
Try this: Open Code::Blocks, go to Settings, Environments, View.

Now set "On application start-up" to "Open blank workspace". Save the changes, close Code::Blocks and open it again. That made it for me.


Thanks for this tip, that did it for me too. With your description it should be fairly easy to find the bug. It's reproducible, at least here by me.
Whenever i check "Open default workspace" the "no Workspace bug" appears.
Title: No again @ weird "error"
Post by: rickg22 on July 12, 2005, 05:49:02 am
:( This is why I didn't want to use wx2.6.1 by default :( . Let's hope these bugs are fixed soon.
Title: No again @ weird "error"
Post by: darklordsatan on July 12, 2005, 07:51:38 am
I might be skipping the obvious here, but I dont see any "On application start-up" in Settings, Environments, View.
All I see is "On project open", "Toolbar icons size" and "Default editor interface" (that is disabled).
Im obviously using the final beta. Are you guys talking about the cvs version?
Title: No again @ weird "error"
Post by: rickg22 on July 12, 2005, 08:01:00 am
yes, we are :P

Anyway, I have a hunch.
*HUNCH ALERT, HUNCH ALERT, Rick's got another hunch* :lol:

Yiannis, don't you do constantly a savetreestate, etc. (i.e. freeze / thaw) to prevent the tree from updating? Maybe you miss a restore in there, and this is why it doesn't get updated at all.
Title: No again @ weird "error"
Post by: tiwag on July 12, 2005, 08:45:15 am
Quote from: Ceniza
...A new weird "error" I'm getting with the current CVS version (the one using wxDockIt) is this one (no ? needed to show what it is this time :))

It happens when I open Code::Blocks, sometimes when I'm going to edit a file, when I click on Symbols tab, ...

If I restore and maximize again it gets in the right place.

now i played a while with this cvs-HEAD-wx261 version too, but i didn't get the same bug as you're showing in your screenshot.
Title: No again @ weird "error"
Post by: tiwag on July 12, 2005, 08:54:24 am
Quote from: rickg22
This is why I didn't want to use wx2.6.1 by default ...

Hey Rick, you're right ! i also keep CB-cvs-VERSION_1_0-wx242 as my trusted working copy,
but if we don't switch to wx261, i fear the progress on patching bugs will not go fast enough.
So i'll try to use CB-cvs-HEAD-wx261 as standard in order to find bugs -
and i'm continously improving my wxWidgets-skills too, in order to be able to help in development soon.
If i get in some unrecoverable errors with the CB-cvs-HEAD-wx261 version,
i switch temporarily back to CB-cvs-VERSION_1_0-wx242.
Title: No again @ weird "error"
Post by: David Perfors on July 12, 2005, 09:02:22 pm
Quote from: Ceniza
A new weird "error" I'm getting with the current CVS version (the one using wxDockIt) is this one (no ? needed to show what it is this time :))

It happens when I open Code::Blocks, sometimes when I'm going to edit a file, when I click on Symbols tab, ...

If I restore and maximize again it gets in the right place.

:lol: LOL :lol: It looks like that the posistion of the Docked window isn't saved correctly :)
Title: No again @ weird "error"
Post by: mandrav on July 12, 2005, 09:45:46 pm
Quote from: Ceniza
A new weird "error" I'm getting with the current CVS version (the one using wxDockIt) is this one (no ? needed to show what it is this time :))

I noticed some weird things too, while using wx2.4...
What wx version did you use?

Title: No again @ weird "error"
Post by: Ceniza on July 13, 2005, 01:55:23 am
Quote from: mandrav
What wx version did you use?

I'm using wxWidgets 2.6.1-Patch01 with MinGW's GCC 3.4.4 configured and build thru MSys. Is that enough info? :)

mandrav: I found in the README file of wxDockIt that you changed something. Is this error what you tried to solve?
Title: No again @ weird "error"
Post by: mandrav on July 13, 2005, 08:42:19 am
Quote from: Ceniza
Quote from: mandrav
What wx version did you use?

I'm using wxWidgets 2.6.1-Patch01 with MinGW's GCC 3.4.4 configured and build thru MSys. Is that enough info? :)

Hehehe, yup :)

Quote from: Ceniza
mandrav: I found in the README file of wxDockIt that you changed something. Is this error what you tried to solve?

Now that I think of it, it might had something to do with it. The "update layout" event was fired before the actual layout took place. I moved the event firing after layout.
I noticed the bug with the project manager's page, which has a splitter for the opened files list and the splitter would go to position -22 because, when recalculating, the docks weren't in place yet.
So, yes, it might have something to do with it...

Title: No again @ weird "error"
Post by: rickg22 on July 13, 2005, 08:44:34 am
Cool! So that means it'll be fixed soon? :D