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User forums => Using Code::Blocks => Topic started by: idhan on February 23, 2007, 10:36:53 pm

Title: virtual folders on code::blocks???
Post by: idhan on February 23, 2007, 10:36:53 pm

I am using visual studio 2005 an is great, but now I have to move on linux. I have try Kdevelop and so far is very good, but doesn't have "virtual folders". When I say "Virtual folders" I means the property on visual studio to organizer you files in some "virtual folders" independently that you .cpp and .h files are all in the same physical folder. This way I can have some files inside of a "opengl" folder as example, and others inside of a "data base" folder and so on (also each virtual folder can have sub folders). This let me find very easily my files. On Kdevelop I just can see the list of classes sorted by name, or the list of files sorted by names and isn't what i really need. The only possibility I have is to really put the files on different physical folders but of course isn't really the idea. So my question is: Code::blocks has this functionality?? or only I can see the list of classes sorted by name??

So far I have try to import my visual studio project on code::blocks (the last beta version), but I can't see this functionality.

thanks for any comment.


Title: Re: virtual folders on code::blocks???
Post by: jpaterso on February 23, 2007, 11:01:45 pm
Code::Blocks definitely has virtual folder support. Right click on your project -> Add new virtual folder.
Title: Re: virtual folders on code::blocks???
Post by: idhan on February 23, 2007, 11:43:16 pm
Thanks jpaterso,

Yes, code:blocks has this functionality :-). Do you know why if I import a visual studio project on code::blocks, doesn't organizer my files on the same virtual folders as the original project?? It is this missing in the "import" process?? or I need to do something special??

So far my project have many many virtual folders and files and I don't want to do the all process manually.

thanks again,


Title: Re: virtual folders on code::blocks???
Post by: Der Meister on February 23, 2007, 11:58:22 pm
It is this missing in the "import" process??
Well, it is probably missing. If I remember correctly virtual folders were added just a few months ago while there were no bigger modifications to the importer for a quite longer time, probably more that 1.5 years.
Title: Re: virtual folders on code::blocks???
Post by: spintz on March 02, 2007, 04:59:58 pm
I'm a Visual Studio 2005 user as well, but people that use my project, would like CodeBlocks support.

My first problem is that I cannot RightClick on a virtual folder and add files to it.  I have to add files to the project( they automatically go into a source folder even though I have the 'Categorize by file types' unchecked ) and then one by one, drag them to the virtual folder I created.  I would be happy to do this process, if I could multi-select files in the ProjectTree and move them as a group to a virtual folder, but I think it would be easier just to allow a RightClick option on VirtualFolders for doing this.

I also noticed a bug.  I create a virtual folder, added files via the process stated above, then I noticed the 'Display folders as on disk' was checked, so I unchecked it.  I then did something really weird, so I re-checked and all the files I'd added to the project and moved to the virtual folder were gone.  The virtual folder was still there, but the files weren't.
Title: Re: virtual folders on code::blocks???
Post by: rickg22 on June 22, 2007, 05:43:35 pm
Guys, is someone working on this issue yet? I tried to add files to a virtual folder by right clicking, but the feature isn't there yet :(
Title: Re: virtual folders on code::blocks???
Post by: Biplab on June 22, 2007, 06:06:06 pm
AFAIK, you can drag the files from the Project Manager Tree and drop them on the corresponding virtual folder. But the caveat is you can drag one file at a time.
Title: Re: virtual folders on code::blocks???
Post by: rickg22 on June 22, 2007, 06:10:09 pm
I see. Also, I have another feature request. Is it possible to show a file in BOTH its physical and virtual folder at the same time?
Title: Re: virtual folders on code::blocks???
Post by: Biplab on June 22, 2007, 06:23:31 pm
I see. Also, I have another feature request. Is it possible to show a file in BOTH its physical and virtual folder at the same time?

I fixed couple of virtual folder related bugs sometimes back. But I'm not sure whether this request can be fulfilled before the next stable release. :)