Code::Blocks Forums
User forums => Help => Topic started by: katerpeter on June 26, 2006, 10:06:24 am
OK, I'm a newbie at all this because I thought GLUT wasn't yet outdated. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone knew where to find OpenGL 2.0 and how to set it up because #1 I can't find where to get it (my computer won't let me access, don't ask me why) and #2 they apparently went far beyond the headers, libraries and dll's.
I'm using C::B v1.0rc2,
Windows XP Home,
and compiler that came with C::B.
Thanks for any help!!!
P.S. I'm trying to use GLEW libs for OpenGL but I'm not even sure if 2.0 is right for that.
GLEW should do fine with OpenGL 1.4 too.
Just download the display drivers and the SDK that I pointed out in your other post. You'll have OpenGL 2.0
thanks for the sdk suggestion but i don't have enough disk space for either of the sdk's and i'm running on a 28.8kbps dial-up connection
Although this has fairly little to do with Code::Blocks alltogether, here are the headers from
MinGW and the nVidia SDK
I have not attached the version of extgl.h since this would add 327 kB in size and you'll not need it anyway, as these are features/extensions that you'll barely ever use (even more so as you haven't even set up the display driver for that).
You should be able to do fine with the MinGW headers, I have successfully compiled and used MinGW with these before (it's been a while, but if I remember correctly, GLEW has its own extgl.h).
thanks, hope it wasn't too much trouble