Code::Blocks Forums
User forums => Using Code::Blocks => Topic started by: rechtsanwaltsteyer on November 08, 2024, 11:56:35 am
Hello together,
when I want to create a new wxwidgets-prorect (file/new project) and click on wxwidgets project in the selectionbox I receive this error message:
"Wrong number of arguments to '_T' - expected 2 given 3 (often one argument is an implicit 'this' table)!
0: Function 'unknown' at NATIVE:-1
1: Function 'BeginWizard' at /usr/share/codeblocks/templates/wizard/wxwidgets/wizard.script:68
intro_msg: unknown value; Instance
this: unknown value; Table"
Is there anyone out there, who can help or explain me the reason for this?
I'm using Code::Blocks svn 13046 from Kubuntu 24.04.LTS.
Tnx and I wish all a fine weekend!
Greetings Michael
You can try replacing the file with the current version from the repository (
Thank you very much. It works!