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User forums => Using Code::Blocks => Topic started by: cdavalillo on July 14, 2024, 02:49:04 am

Title: How to configure Vulkan SPIR-V compiler in Code::Blocks
Post by: cdavalillo on July 14, 2024, 02:49:04 am
I want to compile GLSL shader files with the Vulkan SPIR-V compiler as we do with the c/c++ source files. I read some time ago in the Nvidia support pages how to set the CUDA compiler in Code::Blocks ( (, so I have some idea how to do it. But after putting in the path to the linker and compiler it don't work, so I want to know what I'm missing. I'm on Debian 12 64 bits, after list the files installed for the package spirv-tools I have the following output


So I know that the linker is /usr/bin/spirv-link but not know what to put in the other tool chain executable textboxes. This is what I have so far
Title: Re: How to configure SPIR-V compiler in codeblocks
Post by: cdavalillo on July 14, 2024, 06:36:47 am
Ok now I know that the compiler is glslc located at /usr/bin so the tool chain should looks like this image. But how to configure Code::Blocks to run a compilation as it was done by the following command line

glslc /home/User/CodeBlocks_Projects/GLSL/vs_background.vert  -o vert.spv

In which the .vert file is a GLSL shader file and the .spv is the compiled byte code SPIR-V program.
Title: Re: How to configure SPIR-V compiler in codeblocks
Post by: stahta01 on July 14, 2024, 12:54:07 pm
I would read this link it might or might not help. (

Tim S.
Title: Re: How to configure SPIR-V compiler in codeblocks
Post by: cdavalillo on July 14, 2024, 04:34:47 pm
Thank you for the help, that is exactly what I was asking for. Now I have the following compilation command

$compiler $options $includes -c $file -o $file_dir/$file_name.$exe_ext

And in the Others tag in the field of object file extension I have the spv extension. This settings yield a .spv compiled file and after checking the compiled file with the SPIR-V visualizer ( ( I get what is in the following image