Code::Blocks Forums

Developer forums (C::B DEVELOPMENT STRICTLY!) => Development => Topic started by: J. on December 25, 2023, 05:49:54 pm

Title: nightly builds: main package sf path including wx/mingw dlls versions?
Post by: J. on December 25, 2023, 05:49:54 pm
For automatized downloads of nightly builds it would be great, if the SourceForge download path of the main binary package included the wx / mingw versions in a regex-able way. This would make manual amendments obsolete when the prerequisite dll's change.

The path to the main binary package (e.g. '') does not reveal the versions of the required dll's which are for the latest example:
- 'wxmsw32u_gcc_cb_wx324_2D_gcc1310-mingw64.7z'
- 'Mingw64dlls13.1.0.7z'

Here simple examples of how that could work:

Not sure if '2D' is a feature which could change in the future (with unchanged wx version) or not.

Would that something you guys taking care of the Windows nightly releases would consider?
Title: Re: nightly builds: main package sf path including wx/mingw dlls versions?
Post by: killerbot on January 01, 2024, 01:16:29 pm
I think I might give this a try:

Though I have the feeling something similar for the compiler might be needed .....
Title: Re: nightly builds: main package sf path including wx/mingw dlls versions?
Post by: J. on January 01, 2024, 05:57:33 pm