Code::Blocks Forums

User forums => Using Code::Blocks => Topic started by: PsychadelicGumballMachine on September 07, 2023, 07:44:27 pm

Title: #define error in CodeBlocks
Post by: PsychadelicGumballMachine on September 07, 2023, 07:44:27 pm
I am running Code::Blocks version 20.03 on Windows 10 (22H2)
 The compiler I use is GNU GCC Compiler.

Anytime, whenever I use #define to define a constant, I am always greeted with the following error:
error: expected ';' , ',' or ')' before numeric constant.  I have never encountered this error before when using #define and don't know what it means.
what I wrote is: #define ARRAY_SIZE 5.
Any help anyone can offer would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.
Title: Re: #define error in CodeBlocks
Post by: Miguel Gimenez on September 07, 2023, 07:54:38 pm
Why do you open a new thread with the same question?. Follow stahta01's advice in the original thread.
Title: Re: #define error in CodeBlocks
Post by: PsychadelicGumballMachine on September 08, 2023, 07:26:23 pm
I did. It said to specify the build of codeblocks you're using, your OS details, etc. So I did that, to the best of my ability at least.  It also had stuff about how to bracket code so that it was easily distinguishable from other text, but that doesn't apply here. I figured it was best to open a new one rather than modify the original as people would be more likely to see it, dismiss it because it was missing info and not come back to it.
Title: Re: #define error in CodeBlocks
Post by: stahta01 on September 08, 2023, 08:05:38 pm
Since you failed to post a full build log, I have decided you no longer want help from me.

Edit2: See also,25519.msg173716.html#msg173716 (,25519.msg173716.html#msg173716)

Good Bye.

Tim S.
Title: Re: #define error in CodeBlocks
Post by: fredIcn on September 09, 2023, 02:59:44 pm
PsychadelicGumballMachine, start troubleshooting from the basics. Create and run a brand new test C project. After confirming that it compiles and run, in the 'helloWorld' code that was created automatically insert the #define and recompile. The issue should not occur, which makes the environment or particularly the affected project the prime suspect. The issue you report is not reproducible
To cover every angle, in case the basic 'helloWorld' code does have the issue when you add the #define, then please follow previous advise and provide the requested logs to the original thread. Opening a new thread with the same question is not right, a breach of  protocol; lesson learned we hope.
Title: Re: #define error in CodeBlocks
Post by: PsychadelicGumballMachine on September 09, 2023, 04:33:54 pm
While I thank you for the actual answer, I will not be back here ever. This place, much like stack overflow, is one of the most unpleasant places I've ever been on the internet (which given the internet, is really saying something). It will never cease to amaze me that people on here are as unhelpful, rude, nasty and down right toxic as they are given that they are quickly being replaced by ChatGPT and the like (which I also use. ChatGPT didn't have an answer for this one). Imagine running a business and yelling at your customers to the point where they don't want to come back and then wondering why your business failed.
Title: Re: #define error in CodeBlocks
Post by: stahta01 on September 09, 2023, 10:32:45 pm
You can post a link to the FAQs but, you can't make the poster read and understand them.

Tim S.
Title: Re: #define error in CodeBlocks
Post by: Krice on September 11, 2023, 10:47:58 am
That line is almost 100% not where the error happens, it's probably before it. You should post 10 lines of code before (and after) that line so we could take a look. Seems to be some kind of beginner problem, which isn't hard to make in C/C++.
Title: Re: #define error in CodeBlocks
Post by: stahta01 on September 11, 2023, 05:53:07 pm
That line is almost 100% not where the error happens, it's probably before it. You should post 10 lines of code before (and after) that line so we could take a look. Seems to be some kind of beginner problem, which isn't hard to make in C/C++.

Yep, the problem is most likely user error; but, that type of problem is off topic for this website.,9996.0.html (,9996.0.html)

This is NOT a general programming board. "How do I write a program that....", "Can anybody teach me how to", "I have this homework", "My program doesn't run and I don't have the slightest idea of why because I'm a C++ newcomer", "What is a compiler", "What does gcc do" is the kind of questions that is FORBIDDEN to ask.