Code::Blocks Forums
User forums => Using Code::Blocks => Topic started by: Elena on January 27, 2023, 02:18:34 pm
Not quite a beginner but one is not supposed to know everything lol
Recently I opened ticket #1350 complaining of a bug with namespaces (an *actual* bug) with the default code completion plugin - which for me was widely enough if it weren't buggy.
I was pretty dismissed with the point that the stock CC is old, surpassed or kind of, that it's known to be buggy etc. and I was suggested to use the clangd CC plugin instead.
But I can't manage to enable it !
I am using latest NB (windows with mingw) but there I was said not to use the NB version of the plugin (?)
If I enable it, I see a sliding popup complaing that clangd client is inactive and to restart CB after setting the compiler and disabling the default CC plugin (which I have disabled already).
I tried every way without luck.
Perhaps I need the whole clang package installed for it to work ? What else ? Sorry I know I may sound stupid but I can't afford to spend hours googling around and trying to figure out how to enable it ! I know nothing of clang btw. Thx
There is a detailed setup procedure in the wiki (, you can skip the installation of clangd_client as it is now integrated in C::B.