Code::Blocks Forums
Developer forums (C::B DEVELOPMENT STRICTLY!) => Plugins development => Topic started by: gd_on on October 10, 2022, 12:11:30 pm
Some questions/remarks about FortranProject plugin, and more specialy images in it.
When installing this plugin, official nightly or my own builds, I see that some images are installed several times :
Inside \share\CodeBlocks\images there is a fortranproject subfolder. Inside \share\CodeBlocks\ there is also an images\fortranproject subfolder which contains exacly the same images subfolders and files. Are they both useful ?
More, in the 16x16 subfolder there are 46 files, but in all other (20x20, 24x24 ...) there are 47 files : fprojectmakevisible.png is missing in the 16 pixels subfolder. But may be, as other fproject*.png, which are present in the zip (at two different places : in the root 16x16, ... and inside fortranproject\16x16, ...), they are declared more than necessary.
Apparently, this does not affect the functionality of the plugin, but may be a small cleaning could be nice.
This remark is also true for last introduced svg images.
Another small annoying thing :
in Fortranproject.cpp, line 544, the submenu label is _("Jump last"). But in fortranprojecttoolbar.xrc, lines 10 and 11, labels are "Last jump".
Not the same label, but the same function in menus, tooltips,... I think, it should be the same. Which one is the best ? Especialy when translating in an other langage, the order of the words can have a totally different meaning.
I know there were some discussion between Darmar and Obfuscated about this and the update scripts, IIRC the duplicated images are used outside C::B.
Relating the text mismatch, I do not use FortranProject: Which one is correct?
I think that somebody whose native langage is English should answer. I prefer "Last jump", but I'm french (nobody's perfect ;D)
The icon name (fprojectjumphome) and the associated method (OnJumpHome()) suggest "Jump home", but I do not know if this has any sense.
I have just changed the toolbar text so it matches the menu.
May be Darmar could have an advice for the best label. Effectively the "home" in icon name suggest something else !