Code::Blocks Forums

User forums => Help => Topic started by: Code Noob on December 23, 2017, 02:11:58 am

Title: How to create a GUI project C::B - LInux?
Post by: Code Noob on December 23, 2017, 02:11:58 am
Hello everyone! :)

About 6 minutes ago, I permanently untied all links with Windows and installed Linux. The only programming experience I've had, however, is with Windows languages (VB.NET & C#). I'm entirely new to C++ and have never programmed in any other languages apart from the 2 aforementioned langs. I'd like an element of similarity between the IDE that I'm used to, and Code::Blocks - so I'd like to set up a GUI application.

I saw a tutorial here: (

My version of Code::Blocks (16.01 - Debian) has 'wx_Widgets' in the 'build targets' dialogue, so I must have wx_widgets installed on my system. However, this is different to the 'wx_Widgets project' seen in the tutorial - I can't create a GUI project with wx_Widgets (or at least I don't know how).

Can someone possibly offer me some advice regarding setting up a GUI (drag and drop controls)?

Thanks for your help in advance, and happy holidays!  :)
Title: Re: How to create a GUI project C::B - LInux?
Post by: stahta01 on December 23, 2017, 08:06:15 am (

I do not use wxSmith; so, no idea how good the CB wiki is on it.

Tim S.
Title: Re: How to create a GUI project C::B - LInux?
Post by: BlueHazzard on December 23, 2017, 08:34:44 am
Also, if all fails, search for video tutorials on youtube, there are tons of it:

And if you have a problem describe the problem. It makes no sense to say "it does not work, please help". Ask detailed questions, give detailed error messages or even better full build logs. For ex.
Title: Re: How to create a GUI project C::B - LInux?
Post by: Code Noob on December 23, 2017, 03:00:50 pm
Thanks for your replies,

My question should have been more channeled: "How do I install wxSmith?"

Unfortunately the C::B wikia describes the installation process on Ubuntu - I am using Debian (and I'm very new to it).

@BlueHazzard My issue is not, unfortunately, concerning the compiling of the program, but it's getting to building a program in the designer (wxWidgets project).

Does anybody know of a way to install the plugin(s) mentioned on the wikia page using apt-get?

A Google search doesn't throw much up with regards to this - bear in mind I have the basic wxWidgets package installed.

Thanks for your help. :)
Title: Re: How to create a GUI project C::B - LInux?
Post by: oBFusCATed on December 23, 2017, 04:24:47 pm
Yes, just install the codeblocks-contrib package.

Keep in mind that ubuntu is debian derivate, so most of the instructions for ubuntu work on debian  and vice versa...