Code::Blocks Forums
User forums => General (but related to Code::Blocks) => Topic started by: stahta01 on March 11, 2015, 12:12:21 am
I am working on a patch to improve the CB wxWidgets wizard and I wanted to know what others are thinking needs fixed or improved with it.
The items I have finished the first pass on doing the patch are:
1. Added use of wx.include and wx.lib instead of wx/include or wx/lib.
2. Added user target variables for
WX_COMPILER as in gcc, vc, bcc, or wat.
3. Planned to work on making the wizard work with wxWidgets binaries for gcc and vc compilers.
Is anyone still using wizard for version 2.6?
Should I add version 3.1?
Status of the wxWidgets wizard work is it still needs more testing under Windows.
And, has NOT yet had any testing under Linux.
I am testing my knowledge of using Git and I have placed the script here for me to test under Debian. (
I have already deleted and recreated that repo twice today. I think I have finally learned how to create a Git repo under windows that has the correct line ending for Linux. I hope to never have to delete the repo to fix line feeds issues. But, will NOT be sure till I can test it under Linux.
Tim S.
Why make another empty repo, but not reuse one of the existing cb repos?
Why make another empty repo, but not reuse one of the existing cb repos?
Learning how to do line endings right in Git Repos was my goal yesterday.
It is far from easy to do it right on windows.
Once I get it finished I do plan to use a normal CodeBlocks Git Repo, also.
Tim S.
I just put the changes in (
But, I still need to test the changes more under Windows; and, I have yet to test that the functionality was not changed under Linux.
I also still need to do step 3.
3. Planned to work on making the wizard work with wxWidgets binaries for gcc and vc compilers.
FYI: I plan to change the Git commit notes to prefix of
And suffix of
Likely try to think of a better middle part of the commit note, also.
Edit: I have updated the message. Now to do more testing.
Tim S.