Code::Blocks Forums

User forums => Help => Topic started by: fred_76 on July 27, 2014, 09:59:08 pm

Title: Hello and a fix for AVG false trojan detection
Post by: fred_76 on July 27, 2014, 09:59:08 pm

I'm Fred, french, father of two sons of 12 and 14 who want to learn C++. I was used to program in RapidQ, Visual Basic for Apps, Fortran, Pascal, Javascript, PHP and some other languages but C ! However I want my kids to learn C++ (and me too  ;) in the same time).

As many of you, I use AVG for virus checking and got that false detection of some Agent4.cbb trojan on the built programs with CDB and GNU GCC. It is annoying as it prevent the code to execute.

I started to create an exception in AVG on the folder that contains the .exe files but it is not a satisfactory solution because if you move the file in another folder, AVG will analyse it and find the false trojan again.

I then tried to play with the settings of the compiler's options. It turned out - at least on my 2 computers - that ticking the Settings > Compiler... > GNU GCC Compiler (drop list on the top) > Compiler flags (tab) > Optimize generate code (for size) -Os (approx halfway in the list) does prevent AVG from that false alarm. Don't forget to restart CDB after the change (it was required on my computer running Vista, not on the one running Windows 8.1).

Obviously, the .exe files shall be rebuilt.

Hope this will help
