Code::Blocks Forums

User forums => Help => Topic started by: whoa on November 05, 2011, 03:44:57 am

Title: Program Compiles but Does not Run
Post by: whoa on November 05, 2011, 03:44:57 am
I've searched all over the internet for a possible solution but have found none.

Here's the problem:

In the past, I have been able to compile and run programs with the MinGW compiler inside of Codeblocks, but recently, the "Run" part of Codeblocks will keep prompting me with, "it seems this project has not been built yet." When Codeblocks goes to check for the existence of the .exe file, it finds none. For some reason, that file is not even created after a compile.

I've tried a complete uninstall of Codeblocks and then re-installed. Still, I'm having no luck.

I am grateful to anyone who knows the solution to this problem.
Title: Re: Program Compiles but Does not Run
Post by: Alpha on November 05, 2011, 04:16:33 am
When you press the "Build" button, what (error) messages are displayed in the build log?