Code::Blocks Forums

User forums => Help => Topic started by: Powerline82 on June 20, 2011, 01:35:13 am

Title: Beginner Blues!!
Post by: Powerline82 on June 20, 2011, 01:35:13 am
Hello everyone!!!

I have not tried to code anything since I was in college and it seems a lot has changed.  I am simply trying teach myself some basics in C++ and write a few VERY simple applications for work.

I have created a blank project (is this even what I need to do?)...and I assume now if my memory serves me correctly I need to add a .cpp file to that project.

What do I need to do to simply display a "Hello World" to the screen (as far as file set up...I know the libraries and commands to do)?  Like I said I am just getting started and just need some tips on getting started.   

Thanks for any help!!   
Title: Re: Beginner Blues!!
Post by: stahta01 on June 20, 2011, 01:43:26 am

I suggest asking the programming questions on cboard (; this site does NOT teach programming.

Turn on Full Compiler Logging

Please try using the CB Wizards to create an console project.

NOTE: Almost all your questions should include
OS Name and Version
Compiler name and Version
Code::Blocks version or SVN

Tim S.