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User forums => Using Code::Blocks => Topic started by: pir on March 15, 2011, 09:44:11 pm

Title: Position of Debug Watch Windows
Post by: pir on March 15, 2011, 09:44:11 pm
I am running C::B 10.04 under Ubuntu 10.10. All of the debugging watch windows bar one open with their title bars underneath the Gnome top panel which means I cannot move them (and they obscure the C::B toolbar, etc.) Is there a way to manually edit the initial positions of the watch windows? Or is there any other solution?

(A similar question was asked re: C::B 8.02 back in 2009 but didn't really get an answer...)

Title: Re: Position of Debug Watch Windows
Post by: pirx67 on March 15, 2011, 10:59:27 pm
There may be at least a workaround.

Running under Gnome move the mouse anywhere over the (debugging watch) window that you want to move. Then press <Alt>-<F7> the mouse cursor changes to a hand symbol and the window can be moved till you left click it.

Hope that works for you,
Title: Re: Position of Debug Watch Windows
Post by: oBFusCATed on March 15, 2011, 11:03:56 pm
Some links with the same problem...,12170.0.html,9275.msg66141.html#msg66141,13118.0.html,13064.0.html
Title: [SOLVED] Position of Debug Watch Windows
Post by: pir on March 16, 2011, 12:13:24 pm
Unfortunately, ALT-F7 does not work with child windows within C::B. Neither does holding down the ALT key and dragging.

I have, however, solved the problem! Right-clicking on the top panel and selecting "Auto hide" means the panel slides up out of the way allowing me to grab the title bars of the C::B debug windows and move them somewhere sensible.

(I suspect the cause of the problem lies in the source code: Probably the default initial positions of all the windows other than the Watch window are at (0,0), thus under-lapping the Gnome panel. Not quite a bug but a highly undesirable feature - could it be changed?  :)

Title: Re: [SOLVED] Position of Debug Watch Windows
Post by: Jenna on March 16, 2011, 01:17:09 pm
(I suspect the cause of the problem lies in the source code: Probably the default initial positions of all the windows other than the Watch window are at (0,0), thus under-lapping the Gnome panel. Not quite a bug but a highly undesirable feature - could it be changed?  :)

No, because the requested position is set to (200,150).
But it's done by wxAuiManager and it seems not to work correctly on some machines.

I also use gnome (on debian) and even for a new test-user with default installation it is placed correctly and not below the panel.
This means it might be related to the wxWidgets or the gtk2 version you use or to the window-manager.
Title: Re: [SOLVED] Position of Debug Watch Windows
Post by: pir on March 16, 2011, 01:44:30 pm
No, because the requested position is set to (200,150).

That's curious because all the windows (bar the Watches one) were positioned top left of the screen, which I presume is (0,0) in device coordinates. Strange how this translation could happen...
