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User forums => General (but related to Code::Blocks) => Topic started by: mikery on October 23, 2010, 10:27:33 pm

Title: Message for the Maintainers (and Slight Bug Report)
Post by: mikery on October 23, 2010, 10:27:33 pm
Bang up job on getting the Code Completion plugin working well again. On windows, where I am stuck with using 10.03 Code::Blocks, I have to turn off Code Completion because it slows down the IDE to the point where it is just a burden to use (sluggish editor input). However, on Linux where I can successfully build the SVN (6752), the IDE finally runs normally (at least as far as I can tell, even with CC disabled the IDE sometimes decides to be a butt and acts sluggish on editor input [that's the slight bug report btw]). And what's more, the Code Refactoring options you have added worked flawlessly for the test I did (which involved changing the symbol name of a member variable across multiple files). Such a refactoring would have been an absolute pain in the ass had the feature failed somehow. :D

However, where the feature did fail was in resolving the scope of a function name. I have two singleton classes that have their references returned by a function called I. When I tried refactoring the name of one (just as a test), it refactored the occurrences of both. :?

Anyway, I have been using Code::Blocks ever since I started college and I absolutely love it. Kepp up the good work guys.
Title: Re: Message for the Maintainers (and Slight Bug Report)
Post by: Loaden on November 07, 2010, 12:10:42 pm
However, where the feature did fail was in resolving the scope of a function name. I have two singleton classes that have their references returned by a function called I. When I tried refactoring the name of one (just as a test), it refactored the occurrences of both. :?
Like this?
class A
    int test();

int A::test()

class B : public A
    int test();

int B::test()

int main()
    B b;
    return 0;