Code::Blocks Forums
User forums => Help => Topic started by: kartari on August 29, 2010, 11:33:20 pm
I keep getting this warning in my build logs every time I build an executable file:
||warning: auto-importing has been activated without --enable-auto-import specified on the command line.|
||Info: resolving libCommon::error by linking to __imp___ZN9libCommon5errorE |
||=== Build finished: 0 errors, 1 warnings ===|
I've checked Project > Build Options and Project > Properties and found nothing related to auto-importing. I do not even see where the command line parameters are located. How can I activate auto-importing to get this warning to disappear? I'm not sure why it's telling me about resolving libCommon::error (libCommon is my own common code library), but it's working fine. Just don't need to see this strange warning all the time. Thank you.
the following steps will add the "--enable-auto-import" options for a specific CodeBlocks project:
1 - Open your project in CodeBlocks.
2 -Open the menu "Project" -> "Build Options"
3 -Go in tab "Linker Settings"
4 -In the text box "Other Link Options", type "--enable-auto-import"
For adding this option as default to ALL project, follow these steps:
1 - go to menu "Settings" -> "Compiler and Debugger..."
2 - select your compiler (GNU GCC Compiler)
3 -Go in tab "Linker Settings"
4 -In the text box "Other Link Options", type "--enable-auto-import"
4 -In the text box "Other Link Options", type "--enable-auto-import"
It should read:
-Wl,--enable-auto-import pass it to the linker btw...
Much thanks to both of you. I was about to post that it didn't work, but MMF's slight change did the trick.