In this topics, people are discussing the Usability issues.,10154.0.html
Today, When I'm reading and studying CB's source code, I found the Issue 3(I also think this is a quite annoying issue :() can easily be solved like Visual Studio's method. I have tested my patch and it works fine. :D
Issue 3: Code completion tooltip messing with debugger tooltip
If both tooltips are enabled, trying to see the value of a variable by hovering the pointer on it will display two tooltips, one on top of the other. In all my tests, the code completion tooltip was always on top of the debugger tooltip. Visual Studio solves this issue by completely disabling code completion's tooltip during a debugging session.
See the patch below.
Index: debuggergdb.cpp
--- debuggergdb.cpp (revision 5611)
+++ debuggergdb.cpp (working copy)
@@ -2495,6 +2495,11 @@
if (!ed)
+// if (!wxGetKeyState(WXK_CONTROL))
+// return;
+ if (ed->GetControl()->CallTipActive())
+ ed->GetControl()->CallTipCancel();
int style = event.GetInt();
if (style != wxSCI_C_DEFAULT && style != wxSCI_C_OPERATOR && style != wxSCI_C_IDENTIFIER)
By the way, I want to use "CTRL" key while mouse hovering some text to get the ValueTooltip shown.
So, I try to add the code:
+// if (!wxGetKeyState(WXK_CONTROL))
+// return;
But it didn't works as I expect. Can you give me some suggestions?