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Help / wxSmith adds the event handler, but the connection is lost immediately
« Last post by ollydbg on April 26, 2024, 04:48:05 pm »
I see some strange issue about using wxSmith to add some event handler.

Suppose I have a wxButton on the GUI designer, and when I go to the left navigation panel of the wxSmith, to add a new event handler.

It looks like the event handler function is added to the associated header files and implementation file, that's good, but I soon noticed that the connection between the gui control and the event handler is lost.

What I need to do is the use the mouse to click on other wxSmith control again, and click back on the previous control again, and in the wxSmith's Events panel, I have to open the list box of the event functions, and select the one I recently added. By doing this, the actual connection between the gui control and event handler is generated, and I see there is a function call statement like:

Connect(ID_CHECKBOX1, wxEVT_COMMAND_CHECKBOX_CLICKED, (wxObjectEventFunction)&MyDialog::OnCheckBoxClick);

is added.

My question is: do you see the same issue here? I mean why I need some extra steps to bind the control and event handler? It should bind in the first step when I add the event handler.


Announcements / Re: successor of 20.03 available?
« Last post by christo on April 26, 2024, 04:49:35 am »
Hi devs, a new release is a good idea since LSP support is added. Now it is not easy to recommend codeblocks to others as most of them gets uninterested when I say they have to use nightly builds
Announcements / Re: successor of 20.03 available?
« Last post by blauzahn on April 24, 2024, 12:36:14 pm »
I am no cb dev. So, it is personal speak. I use the current trunk anyway. Nonetheless, I assume that it will serve as the next release somewhen.
Announcements / Re: successor of 20.03 available?
« Last post by Wkerry on April 24, 2024, 11:31:13 am »
So blauzahn are you speaking for the CB dev team or personal speak?
Development / Re: Compile error Ubuntu 23.10/24.04
« Last post by blauzahn on April 24, 2024, 08:00:38 am »
R13512 builds ok without compile-error under arch-linux x86_64.
Using Code::Blocks / Re: Auto activating projects in workspace
« Last post by blauzahn on April 24, 2024, 07:57:44 am »
I actually like, that cb does not do that. You can activate a project in the workspace panel by double clicking onto it.

Also: The active file might be referred to by more than 1 project. Keep it simple.

Announcements / Re: successor of 20.03 available?
« Last post by blauzahn on April 24, 2024, 07:51:56 am »
Can we expect a new binary release of c::b soon?
Possibly yes in the not too distant future. Please do not ask, when exactly.
I trust this ("Project Build Options") is where I should make these project settings (that are not global) and as such expressed in the *.cbp file??

Apart from this, years ago, the checkboxes were on the left side which was way better.
With my CB on Win10 I find that "Project build options - has no available tick boxes for Compiler Flags".  This is for the likes of c++11 and c++17.
Is the expectation to use "Other compiler options" instead of "Compiler Flags" ??
How are the tick boxes intended to be aligned ??

I trust this ("Project Build Options") is where I should make these project settings (that are not global) and as such expressed in the *.cbp file??

Regards JC.......

I've also experienced this.
But when I shutdown CB and restart, the options dialog is populated again.
With my CB on Win10 I find that "Project build options - has no available tick boxes for Compiler Flags".  This is for the likes of c++11 and c++17.
Is the expectation to use "Other compiler options" instead of "Compiler Flags" ??
How are the tick boxes intended to be aligned ??

I trust this ("Project Build Options") is where I should make these project settings (that are not global) and as such expressed in the *.cbp file??

Regards JC.......
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