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Help / Re: High CPU usage during build operation when verbose is enabled
« Last post by christo on May 06, 2024, 05:57:15 am »
Thank you for the quick responses.

Issue is not only when there are lot of warnings, but also when there is lot of verbose. I use external makefile project, makefiles are generated by CMake with verbose enabled, which is in turn done by Yocto. Turning off verbose is not an option for me.

I think solution is to avoid as many regex matching as possible. Attaching a patch where a token string is added corresponding to each regex where possible in such a way that if the string is not present in the compiler output line, we can be sure that matching will fail.

So check if the token string is present in each line. If not present, don't do regex matching for that regex. If present, do matching as normal.

This significantly improved my build time. I think it will improve build time of normal CB projects projects as well. I've done only limited testing with this.
Help / Re: High CPU usage during build operation when verbose is enabled
« Last post by stahta01 on May 05, 2024, 07:00:38 pm »
I would suggest disabling all the CB plugins you are not using or try selecting a different default compiler to see if any difference happens.
Edit: Also, change the project compiler and see if that helps.

Tim S.
Help / Re: High CPU usage during build operation when verbose is enabled
« Last post by ollydbg on May 05, 2024, 01:23:23 pm »
I believe that there are a lot of codes to parse the compiler log message. So, if the compiler generate a lot of warnings, it takes a lot of time to parse those output.

So, sometimes, the building stage is really slow. :(

Not sure how to improve.

If I remember correctly, I have added some checks for the return line encoding, see this: The encoding text from GCC compiler should be UTF8 by default?

Help / High CPU usage during build operation when verbose is enabled
« Last post by christo on May 05, 2024, 12:57:04 pm »
Seeing high CPU usage by codeblocks, more than that of gcc, during compilation. I'm working external makefile project (makefile generated by cmake), and lot of verbose is enabled.

When analysed by perf, pcre2_match_32 is taking most of the CPU. Cause is that each of the build log line is check against 34 regular expressions.

I'm not much familiar with regex, but can anything to be done to improve the performance here?
Nightly builds / Re: The 27 April 2024 build (13513) is out.
« Last post by Wkerry on May 05, 2024, 11:07:02 am »
Anyone got any updates on the ticket patch status?
Plugins development / Re: Code completion using LSP and clangd
« Last post by blauzahn on May 03, 2024, 07:24:00 pm »
Head svn13517 compiles again without compile-error on arch linux as well.
Using Code::Blocks / Re: Virtual folders question
« Last post by Miguel Gimenez on May 03, 2024, 02:26:15 pm »
Future spam added to radar.
Using Code::Blocks / Re: Virtual folders question
« Last post by yodeltired on May 03, 2024, 12:37:39 pm »
As far as I know, there is currently no tool to convert virtual folders into real folders on the system.
Plugins development / Re: Code completion using LSP and clangd
« Last post by blauzahn on May 03, 2024, 11:59:00 am »
Thank you.

I just compiled it on ubuntu linux without any compile-error. Arch I can do only in the evening. Since the configure args are the same and both use wxWidgets trunk, chances are, that the outcome will be the same on arch.
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