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Nightly builds / Re: The 30 December 2024 build (13600) is out.
« Last post by raynebc on Today at 04:58:17 am »
Is there a way to have breakpoints preserved between C::B sessions?
I am fixing those issues, will commit in a while...
Yes, wxGetTranslation() is the recommended method; see p.e this PR.
Maybe use something like:
const wxString& wxGetTranslation    (    const wxString &     string,
      const wxString &     domain = wxEmptyString,
      const wxString &     context = wxEmptyString

as it takes a wxString as input.
Thanks, so it looks like _() is not allowed by passing a wxString as argument.

How do we fix that issue in the function: RemoveCRAndTranslate()? Just remove the _() macro?

Seems wxWidgets- has gotten stricter in checking usage of macros such as _() and friends. In particular, sdk/pluginmanager.cpp line 764 doesn't work.:
static wxString RemoveCRAndTranslate(const wxString& value)
    wxString Result(value);
    Result.Replace("\r\n", "\n");
    return _(Result);

for details.
Using Code::Blocks / Re: Hiccups while typing (continuation)
« Last post by Pecan on February 17, 2025, 07:22:16 pm »
OK, thanks, I have fixed an issue mentioned here: Re: The 14 June 2024 build (13529) is out.

BTW: why do you have so many custom comments in the source code, do you added manually or by some tools?
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ClassBrowser::SetParser(ParserBase* parser)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

They're applied by a key macro I have on my local system.
Once I can see where I'm supposed to be working, I mark it so it doesn't take so long to find it again.

Sometimes, I forget to remove the taggings.

I do it because of my eye sight. I have a terrible time seeing/differentiating code where I'm working without marking where I'm coding or debugging.

If it bothers someone, they can remove the comments or debugging tags. I'll try to do better at remembering it myself before a commit.

I forgot to do it this time because I'm working on 'stage two' of the suggested changes.
Using Code::Blocks / Re: Hiccups while typing (continuation)
« Last post by ollydbg on February 17, 2025, 03:26:54 pm »
OK, thanks, I have fixed an issue mentioned here: Re: The 14 June 2024 build (13529) is out.

BTW: why do you have so many custom comments in the source code, do you added manually or by some tools?
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ClassBrowser::SetParser(ParserBase* parser)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nightly builds / Re: The 14 June 2024 build (13529) is out.
« Last post by ollydbg on February 17, 2025, 01:51:04 pm »
The text in Parser::ShowGlobalChangeAnnoyingMsg() should allow translation, something like this:
warningMsg = _("The global settings change does not take effect\n"
               "until the projects are either reloaded or reparsed.\n\n"
               "You can selectively reparse projects by right clicking\n"
               "on the project title in the Workspace tree and selecting\n"
               "'Reparse current project'.");

I have fixed that in the SVN now, thanks.
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