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Announcements / Re: successor of 20.03 available?
« Last post by cdavalillo on Today at 01:46:13 am »
I'm waiting this new version since last year, I hope the new release had solved the symbol browser problems...
Help / Re: clangd code completion
« Last post by juxin5 on Yesterday at 08:34:49 pm »

He said in the beginning that Clangd_client didn't work, now he says it worked fine all along.

have you really read what I said? It does not work when I open files without a project.

You really think it works fine when it literally works worse than the classic code completion in this scenario?
Contributions to C::B / Re: Code::Blocks' translation
« Last post by Miguel Gimenez on Yesterday at 07:31:50 pm »
Thank you
Contributions to C::B / Re: Code::Blocks' translation
« Last post by Michael Agarkov on Yesterday at 07:11:00 pm »
I did all the leftover translations to Russian.
Help / Re: clangd code completion
« Last post by Pecan on Yesterday at 04:33:22 pm »
I forgot to say that clangd does work fine when I load a project, meaning the code completion works fine, while also has the issue user "wtfisgoingoff" mentioned.

This guy has got to be a troll. He has wasted a lot of good peoples time.

He said in the beginning that Clangd_client didn't work, now he says it worked fine all along.

hello, first time here.
I followed the wiki page to enable the Clangd plugin, but the code completion is not working.
Is there something I am missing?
I'm using build 13539 on windows.
Contributions to C::B / Re: Code::Blocks' translation
« Last post by Miguel Gimenez on Yesterday at 09:07:48 am »
There is an almost complete translation to russian in Launchpad, only 77 lines are still untranslated. If you have time you can complete the translation or review the current one.
Help / Re: clangd code completion
« Last post by juxin5 on Yesterday at 08:23:27 am »
I forgot to say that clangd does work fine when I load a project, meaning the code completion works fine, while also has the issue user "wtfisgoingoff" mentioned.
Help / Re: clangd code completion
« Last post by juxin5 on Yesterday at 08:18:43 am »

So I guess you start Codeblocks by just typing "Codeblocks" or "Codeblocks.exe".

Good, so from now on type "codeblocks /d" to turn on the codeblocks debugger tab at the bottom.

Then go to Settings/Editor/clangd_client/ C/C++ parser(adv.)
Enable check boxes entitled "Enable plugin info logging" and "Enable plugin Debug logging".

Close CodeBlocks and restart it with the /d parameter to turn on those logs.

Load a project you'd normally load for editing.
Wait until the "Code::Blocks Debug" tab at the bottom stops scrolling information.

thx for the reply.

I think I found where the problem is. A project needed to be loaded for the clangd client to work properly. When only open the .cpp file, it will give the following error:

GetLSPclient: param pProject is missing

attached file is the log when loading single file.

I'm not sure if it's intended behavior but either way it's not convenient for me because sometimes I just want to edit a single file. Also classic code completion would work fine in such scenario.
Contributions to C::B / Re: Code::Blocks' translation
« Last post by Michael Agarkov on October 13, 2024, 07:17:12 pm »
If only I had enough free time I could make a Russian translation for Code::Blocks. Anyone interested?
Help / Re: clangd code completion
« Last post by Pecan on October 13, 2024, 06:11:00 pm »
thx for the reply.

So I unzip the 3 .7z file (CB_20240807_rev13539_win64, wxmsw32u_gcc_cb_wx325_2D_gcc1410-mingw64, Mingw64dlls14.1.0)
 into the same folder and start codeblocks.exe in it.

So I guess you start Codeblocks by just typing "Codeblocks" or "Codeblocks.exe".

Good, so from now on type "codeblocks /d" to turn on the codeblocks debugger tab at the bottom.

Then go to Settings/Editor/clangd_client/ C/C++ parser(adv.)
Enable check boxes entitled "Enable plugin info logging" and "Enable plugin Debug logging".

Close CodeBlocks and restart it with the /d parameter to turn on those logs.

Load a project you'd normally load for editing.
Wait until the "Code::Blocks Debug" tab at the bottom stops scrolling information.

Right click on the "Code::Blocks Debug" tab at the bottom and choose "Copy contents to clipboard".

Now choose from the main menu, File/New/EmptyFile and say no if asked to add the file to the project.

Select and move the mouse into that empty file and paste into it (ctrl-z key). You should see the log now pasted into that empty editor file.

Save that file to %tmp%/Juxin5ClangdLog.txt, (or any folder that's convenient to you). %tmp% is the same as your C:\Temp  or C:/tmp folder.

Zip it up so that you can attach it to a reply to this message.

Thanks for your patients.
And forgive me if I insult your intelligence.
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