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Help / Re: Terminal to launch consol programs is grayed and not working
« Last post by Pecan on Today at 06:39:13 am »
Thank you for your response. I would like to keep the console windows open all the time when I am working on a project.

Could you please let me know how can it be done.



I'm confused by this request. A console is either a stand-alone process that belongs to no project, or it is a console attached to a running project that takes input for the running project and accepts output from the running project.

How do you expect a console to be attached to a non-running project that you are working on?

If all you want is a console that is running on it's own behalf, in Windows, hit the windows key+r and type "cmd".

If you want a console attached to a process to accept input and produce output to the a console, write a program that reads (see reading from stdin) from a console and write output to the console (see writing to stdout).

Google "c++ stdin and stdout and stderr"

In C++, stdin, stdout, and stderr are standard input, output, and error streams, respectively. They allow you to interact with the console.
Here's a breakdown:

    Represents the standard input stream, typically connected to the keyboard. You can use it to read input from the user.
    Represents the standard output stream, typically connected to the console window. You can use it to write output to the console.
    Represents the standard error stream, typically connected to the console window. You can use it to write error messages to the console.

How to use them:

    cin: The cin object is used to read input from stdin.
    cout: The cout object is used to write output to stdout.
    cerr: The cerr object is used to write error messages to stderr.


#include <iostream>

int main() {
    int number;

    // Read input from stdin
    std::cout << "Enter a number: ";
    std::cin >> number;

    // Write output to stdout
    std::cout << "You entered: " << number << std::endl;

    // Write error message to stderr
    std::cerr << "This is an error message!" << std::endl;

    return 0;

Important points:

    You need to include the <iostream> header to use these streams.
    cin, cout, and cerr are objects of classes istream, ostream, and ostream, respectively.
    You can use the >> operator with cin to read different data types.
    You can use the << operator with cout and cerr to write different data types.
    You can redirect these streams using the <, >, and 2> operators in the command line.
Development / Re: CB 24.12 & MAC
« Last post by Wkerry on Yesterday at 09:14:10 pm »
So GDB debugging works on the latest MAC OS?
Have you actually checked or assumed?

I am asking as there have been multiple reports on CB forum and on other forums that GDB has issues and it relates to a security change/changes Apple made a long time ago.
Development / Re: Add force switch to installation file
« Last post by olivier sc on Yesterday at 06:27:24 pm »
Or maybe add a real update process by a /update ?
Development / Re: Add force switch to installation file
« Last post by olivier sc on Yesterday at 06:26:30 pm »
Yes we have CalledProcessErrorOutput: Command '"codeblocks-20.03mingw-setup.exe" /S' returned non-zero exit status 2.
Just because old "codeblocks" is in place.

So add a /force option make sens to complet the update by overwriting.
Help / Re: Terminal to launch consol programs is grayed and not working
« Last post by hamid on Yesterday at 08:22:53 am »
Thank you for your response. I would like to keep the console windows open all the time when I am working on a project.

Could you please let me know how can it be done.


Embedded development / Including IAR-specific Library Function Definitions
« Last post by Elliott99 on December 02, 2024, 11:28:14 pm »
I am building a generic CodeBlocks project using the IAR compiler.

When I attempt to build, I get the error message:

"Error[Li005]: no definition for "__write" [referenced from

It seems that the linker cannot find a definition for the IAR library function __write. The IAR compiler includes a definition for this library function in the installation directory arm/src/lib/file, where there is a write.c file. Adding the write.c file directly to the project allows me to fully link and generate a project executable. The problem is, this is very clunky and as other people at my job will be using this CodeBlocks + IAR framework, I'd prefer to not have to include a long relative path dependent on the install location of the IAR compiler.

Is there some compiler-dependent flag I can use to avoid this? Perhaps I can redirect the __write library Or some better inclusion method that doesn;t involve including a very long relative path? Even just defining a dummy void write() function somewhere?
Plugins development / Re: rss reader plugin
« Last post by Михаил Агарков on December 02, 2024, 07:25:09 pm »
How much effort would it take to make it work with 20.03?
Development / Re: CB 24.12 & MAC
« Last post by kencu on December 02, 2024, 05:15:33 pm »
current builds of codeblocks are available via macports and work very well on all systems from MacOSX 10.6 to current systems.

Code::Blocks is not a compiler, nor a linker. Release packages of Code::Blocks may include a compiler suite (MinGW/GCC), if not provided by the target platform already. However, this is provided "as-is" and not developed/maintained by the Code::Blocks development team.
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