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Help / Re: CodeBlocks + Pdcurses
« Last post by Miguel Gimenez on Today at 09:55:58 am »
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Help / Re: c++
« Last post by david4775 on Today at 08:11:33 am »
Dear Miguel and also Nenin, Thank you both for your kind replies. I will work on the information provided.
Development / Re: Workaround Linux: No Call Stack on first breakpoint
« Last post by jendyhanna on Today at 04:59:52 am »
Multiplayer games often require players to Spotle work together to achieve common goals. This fosters teamwork and collaboration, skills that are essential in both academic and professional environments.
Help / Re: CodeBlocks + Pdcurses
« Last post by jendyhanna on Today at 04:58:20 am »
Many games involve complex strategies and snake io long-term planning. Players must think several steps ahead, which can enhance their ability to strategize and plan in real life, skills that are particularly useful in business and management.
Look at the "build log" ignore the "build messages"
Fixed in r13524, thank you for testing.

The other Save() just collects the members of the current variable, removing the empty ones.
I am trying to learn more about the compiler and linker, and the build process, so that I could maybe make build script(like .bat file) for different environments. And as a test I am building one of my old projects. But I am having trouble with linking. I feel like it would help me immensely to know how code blocks did it.

I have read one of the wiki's. It didn't really go in detail. (I am mostly interested in the preprocessing phase and the build script parts)

I think my problem will be solved by the question, what happens when we press build, how does code blocks goes about instructing the compiler and linker? or maybe how do I get un-cluttered build logs?

(I am sorry if this question doesn't belong here. I've tried asking in different places but they mostly just aske me to use cmake or some buildsystem to build the project. I don't really want to learn new language. g++ arguments are just fine)
Effectively, with this line switch, it works as I thought it should...
Nevertheless, there is another Save() at line 471, a more global one I suppose. What does it save ?
Looks like swapping these two lines from uservardlgs.cpp:473 should do the trick
but I cannot check right now
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