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How to display code execution output in a non-modal codeblocks window rather than in a terminal?

In General settings → Terminal to launch console programs : x-terminal-emulator -T $TITLE -e

The code output is displayed in the terminal that opens, but as always with windows (terminal or otherwise), if it passes in the background, the Buil, run, etc buttons are grayed out, so always take the trouble to close the terminal.

Is it possible to configure codeblocks so that code output is displayed in a non-modal window, for example in a "Logs & others" tab?


Using Code::Blocks / Re: Hiccups while typing (continuation)
« Last post by ollydbg on Today at 03:03:06 am »
Hi, Pecan, thanks for your hard work!
I debugged your patch yesterday. I think this patch is simple, but it still has some errors. Let me describe the issue again. I think in our code, we just "write" or "read" from the .conf file too much. I think every Parser instance's option is valid, so I don't think there is some "stale" option.

The problem is that we have several Parser instances. For example, we have ParserA, ParserB, ParserTemp. When there is no cbp opened, the ParserTemp always exists. I think when every Parser instance get constructed, it will "read" the options from the .conf file, that's OK.

         +------------------------|Parser A  |     
         |                        +----------+     
 |Parse option  |                 +----------+     
 |Browser option|-----------------|Parser B  |     
 +-------|------+                 +----------+     
         |                        +-----------+   
         +------------------------|Parser Temp|   

1, When the Parser object get constructed, all the option should be copied from the .conf file to the object.

2, When the user open a editor->CodeCompletion option dialog, and edit some options, and click the "OK" button (in the OnApply function), I think all the options will be saved.

3, When we switch the Parser object(for example, the active project is switched from A to B, or from A to Temp), when switching, we don't need to "read all the options from the .conf file", because different Parser maintain its own option.

4, When user tweak the ClassBrowser option, I think it should save to the .conf file immediately after changing the ClassBrowser option.

5, When a Parser get closed, I think we don't need to "save" its option to the .conf file", because those options were either saved in the above "2" and "4" steps.


Just to response :
   Executive summary  : Revisit of internal comands used by CB to build on Win32 and proposals evolution
   Executive proposal :   Propose just an evolution of these internals commands to be adapt to compilers C/C++ described into my "simple text" + ameliorate "automatic" detection of these compilers at startup of CB on Win32 systems
   Executive problem this is solving :  Adapt configuration of CB to newest version of these compilers to be a little bit in phase with "modern" but also ancient compilers C/C++, and  ameliorate "automatic" detection of these compilers at startup of CB on Win32 systems
   Which of the compilers in a..j are still supported? No   ->  Ok, and my question -> what is the "habitual" compiler to produce executive version of CB on Win32 systems ?

You have not time to read this text. OK.

My objective is not to propose "patch" to make an evolution of source code of CB, just ask to integrate an evolution of configurations of CB on Win32 and grow list of supported C/C++ compilers (I'm not experiment developer C++, just an "lambda" user of CB that search to ameliorate IDE).

I understand your position od developer, focus on source code only, and sorry if I have not respect your habits of open source project.


PS : To be curious, I'm have downloaded source code of CB. But big diving into many sources to understand logic and organization of these.   :D
   Executive summary is?
   Executive proposal is?
   Executive problem this is solving is?
   Which of the compilers in a..j are still supported? No

The file is 1862 lines and you expect C::B devs to read and understand the file without explaining your "memo/revist"  notes/ramblings/etc?

There is no C::B proposal as codes changes need to be supplied as patches and I cannot quickly see any patches in the txt file. 

If there are manual changes then these are in separate SVN directory on Sourceforge that patches should be supplied for.
If ther are wiki pages then see if you can update/add pages.

Overall IMHO 2c worth of feedback is that for ANY open source project you would like to contribute to you need to fit in with the way the project works in order to get changes included otherwise your changes will end up in the bit bucket.
Using Code::Blocks / Re: Hiccups while typing (continuation)
« Last post by Pecan on February 10, 2025, 08:25:46 pm »
@ ollydbg

I stopped overthinking this, simplified, and came up this the 7th inning. I think this is a homerun.
Give it a try. Thanks.

Index: classbrowser.cpp
--- classbrowser.cpp (revision 13611)
+++ classbrowser.cpp (working copy)
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
 #include "parser/ccdebuginfo.h"
-#include <stack>
+//unused #include <stack>
 #include <chrono>
@@ -242,6 +242,9 @@
             filter = bdfProject;
         m_Parser->ClassBrowserOptions().displayFilter = filter;
+        // Update stale CB globals in TempParser before WriteOptions() //(ph 2025/02/10)
+        if (m_Parser == m_ParseManager->GetTempParser())
+            m_Parser->ReadOptions();
Index: parsemanager.h
--- parsemanager.h (revision 13611)
+++ parsemanager.h (working copy)
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
 #include "parsemanager_base.h"
 #include "parser/parser.h"
-#include <queue>
-#include <map>
+//unused #include <queue>
+// unused #include <map>
 #include <memory>
 #include <unordered_map>
@@ -257,6 +257,7 @@
     //(ph 2024/01/25)
     void SetSymbolsWindowHasFocus(bool trueOrFalse){ m_SymbolsWindowHasFocus = trueOrFalse;}
     bool GetSymbolsWindowHasFocus(){return m_SymbolsWindowHasFocus;}
+    ParserBase* GetTempParser(){return m_TempParser;} //(ph 2025/02/10)
     /** When a Parser is created, we need a full parsing stage including:
Index: resources/manifest.xml
--- resources/manifest.xml (revision 13611)
+++ resources/manifest.xml (working copy)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
     <SdkVersion major="1" minor="10" release="0" />
     <Plugin name="CodeCompletion">
         <Value title="Code completion" />
-        <Value version="1.0.5 24/01/29" />
+        <Value version="1.0.6 25/02/10" />
         <Value description="This plugin provides a symbols browser for your projects and code-completion inside the editor.

Hi Team CB
Hi Tim, Hi Miguel and others developers.

In join memo, you can find "my" revisit of internal comands used by CB to build targets on Win32 systems with several configurations of free compilers C/C++.
I add into it, proposals to make the internal commands much adapted with recent versions of these compilers or much adequate, and repair some syntax errors.

I think it's preferable to read in full text join (sorry long text because many explanations) to understand big principles of my reflection.

I also propose to improve automatic detection of these compilers at startup of CB by indicate the "last" directory present on WIN11 to be sure to find an compiler under theses (if you conserve "default" directory during installation). 
To simplify reading, in this text, I frame all my proposals and ask about evolutions of CB by :

I'm just an user of CB, I think also that my asks are reasonable, but you are only judges to accept or not my proposals. 

Thank's for your read, all of my asks are tested and work on my system configurations (W11 24H2 and 23H2 64 bit).

Wait to your returns.

Many thank's.

Profile spammer reported to moderator.
Using Code::Blocks / Re: Open files list single click
« Last post by Grit Clef on February 10, 2025, 12:49:46 pm »
Maybe possible; that depends on whether the devs will accept adding some extra code in the source.
Using Code::Blocks / Re: Open files list single click
« Last post by Krice on February 10, 2025, 12:40:49 pm »
So it's possible or not? Is wxWidgets blocking this too, like it always does?
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