OS X version of this rev can no be built due to the fact that I can't yet upgrade my system or my version of the build tools, and some functions needed by wxPdfDocument are missing.
32 bits version for Windows can be downloaded from my
Debian Bookworm version (32 and 64 bits) can be installed from
my repo.
The corresponding unsigned deb files can also be downloaded from the website page linked above.
There is no actual version for Debian Bullseye because it uses (and provide) only wxWidgets-3.0.5 and wxPdfDocument need some functions only available since wxWidgets-3.1.2 (such as wxDisplay::GetPPI() ).
Perhaps I'll try in the future to upgrade to a more recent version of wxWidgets (for example those provided by CodeLite).
Ubuntu-22.04 and 24.10 versions can be installed from my
Edit: Ubuntu-22.04 build failed for the same reason than Debian Bullseye : wxWidgets < 3.1.2 =>
Build log file