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Using Code::Blocks / Re: Hiccups while typing
« Last post by Elena on January 31, 2025, 07:42:16 pm »
...nope, still hiccups, especially noticeable while moving the cursor in the editor. Since this post passed pretty unnoticed, I will try opening a new topic :(
I was talking about these lines in helpers.cpp, currentMaxEntries is caching the value in the configuration:
if (currentMaxEntries) return currentMaxEntries;
currentMaxEntries = Manager::Get()->GetConfigManager("BrowseTracker")->ReadInt("JumpViewRowCount", 20);
return currentMaxEntries;

This was just a long shot, because the array was being accessed out of bounds so the array size should be lesser than currentMaxEntries.
Thank you for reporting
Using Code::Blocks / Re: Generation with Pelles C Compiler (Version 12.00.1) failed
« Last post by ThierryD on January 31, 2025, 06:01:40 pm »

After many researchs, conclusion is : bug identified into Pelles C Compiler on ... Windows 11 24H2 64 bit (last version) .... not into CB ...
Acces to "new" NTDLL with executable "pocc" provoke crash and minidump ...

Simple test below into command console :



My precedent test has been :

pocc | grep Version


Stupid, no ?

Sorry for time spent and thank's for your attention. You can close this "irrelevant" topic definitively.

Development / Re: CodeBlocks revision: '13605', breaks when opening a file (LINUX)
« Last post by Pecan on January 31, 2025, 06:00:44 pm »
May be related to a mismatch between the array size in the config file and the cached value, deleting the config file synced them.

For my education, what do you mean by "cached value" of the array size.
BrowseTracker reads the array size from the conf file at  start up and only at start up. It statically allocates the array size and does not change it.
If more values need to be added than the array size allows, it adds them starting at the top again (circular buffer style).

Am I missing something that could have caused the out-of-bounds error (other than a off-by one error)?
Development / Re: cannot find -luser32 etc.
« Last post by typicalc on January 31, 2025, 05:19:06 pm »
How would I setup Code::blocks to be able to compile and link 32-bit win32 executables? What do I need to download & install and from where?
Development / Re: cannot find -luser32 etc.
« Last post by Miguel Gimenez on January 31, 2025, 04:22:43 pm »
Those libraries come with the compiler, probably your version of MinGW only generates 64-bit code so it does not incllude de 32-bit libraries.
Development / Re: cannot find -luser32 etc.
« Last post by typicalc on January 31, 2025, 03:48:50 pm »
Ok I found what the problem was. When I check on "Target x86 (32bit) [-m32]" I get the problems.
I seems that I do not have the 32bit libraries. How do I install them back? Or would it be easier to re-install Code::Blocks?
May be related to a mismatch between the array size in the config file and the cached value, deleting the config file synced them.
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