Code::Blocks Forums

User forums => Help => Topic started by: Acki on February 01, 2006, 08:23:49 pm

Title: ar.exe: \;: No such file or directory
Post by: Acki on February 01, 2006, 08:23:49 pm
now I have a problem with ar.exe...
I'm creating a static lib.
All files are compiling well.
At the end of the compiling process I get this error:
Linking static library: out\libIrrlicht.a
ar.exe: creating out\libIrrlicht.a
ar.exe: \;: No such file or directory
Process terminated with status 1 (2 minutes, 52 seconds)
0 errors, 0 warnings
No files are created !!! :(
But I didn't set any path to \; !!!
I checked all settings and it seems all to be correct...

What could cause this error ???

I often compiled this lib as static and had never problems...
So it's over my head - what's wrong now...
I'm using W2k(sp3)...
Title: Re: ar.exe: \;: No such file or directory
Post by: Michael on February 01, 2006, 08:37:12 pm

which version of C::B are you using? Could you post your project? That would help.

Best wishes,
Title: Re: ar.exe: \;: No such file or directory
Post by: Acki on February 01, 2006, 08:41:19 pm
I'm using C::B V1.0rc2...
What do you mean by posting my project ???
If you see, this project is verry huge - compiling time more than 2 minutes (on Celeron 2.66 GH)
Title: Re: ar.exe: \;: No such file or directory
Post by: Michael on February 01, 2006, 08:48:03 pm
I'm using C::B V1.0rc2...

If you can/want, I would advice to give a try to the latest nightly build. May be your problem is already solved.

What do you mean by posting my project ???
If you see, this project is verry huge - compiling time more than 2 minutes (on Celeron 2.66 GH)

Yes, I was thinking it was relatively huge. May be just the project file, i.e., .cbp would sufficient to check if all is ok.

Best wishes,
Title: Re: ar.exe: \;: No such file or directory
Post by: killerbot on February 01, 2006, 08:54:25 pm
follow up the advice from Michael, very good advice (switch to nightly) and let us have a look at the cbp file.
Title: Re: ar.exe: \;: No such file or directory
Post by: Acki on February 01, 2006, 08:55:24 pm
Where do I get the nightly build ???

Here is my project file (also preatty huge):
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE CodeBlocks_project_file>
<FileVersion major="1" minor="1"/>
<Option title="Irrlicht"/>
<Option makefile="Makefile"/>
<Option makefile_is_custom="0"/>
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<Option compiler="0"/>
<Target title="default">
<Option output="out\libIrrlicht.a"/>
<Option working_dir=""/>
<Option object_output=".obj"/>
<Option deps_output=".deps"/>
<Option type="2"/>
<Option compiler="0"/>
<Option createDefFile="1"/>
<Option projectResourceIncludeDirsRelation="2"/>
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<Add option="-Os"/>
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<Add option="-O"/>
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<Option target="default"/>
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<Option target="default"/>
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<Option target="default"/>
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<Option target="default"/>
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<Option target="default"/>
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<Option target="default"/>
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<Option target="default"/>
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<Option target="default"/>
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<Option target="default"/>
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<Option link="0"/>
<Option target="default"/>
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<Option compilerVar="CPP"/>
<Option target="default"/>
<Unit filename="CGUIListBox.h">
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<Option link="0"/>
<Option target="default"/>
<Unit filename="CGUIMenu.cpp">
<Option compilerVar="CPP"/>
<Option target="default"/>
<Unit filename="CGUIMenu.h">
<Option compilerVar="CPP"/>
<Option compile="0"/>
<Option link="0"/>
<Option target="default"/>
<Unit filename="CGUIMeshViewer.cpp">
<Option compilerVar="CPP"/>
<Option target="default"/>
<Unit filename="CGUIMeshViewer.h">
<Option compilerVar="CPP"/>
<Option compile="0"/>
<Option link="0"/>
<Option target="default"/>
<Unit filename="CGUIMessageBox.cpp">
<Option compilerVar="CPP"/>
<Option target="default"/>
<Unit filename="CGUIMessageBox.h">
<Option compilerVar="CPP"/>
<Option compile="0"/>
<Option link="0"/>
<Option target="default"/>
Title: Re: ar.exe: \;: No such file or directory
Post by: sethjackson on February 01, 2006, 08:58:21 pm
Get the nightlies here.
Title: Re: ar.exe: \;: No such file or directory
Post by: killerbot on February 01, 2006, 08:59:30 pm
in the forum , section nightly build :

looking at your cbp file, don't see anything strange for the moment (the only thing I have never seen, is default target being -1), but that could be just limited knowledge from my side.

[EDIT] : Seth beat me to it  :D
Title: Re: ar.exe: \;: No such file or directory
Post by: Michael on February 01, 2006, 09:09:34 pm
looking at your cbp file, don't see anything strange for the moment (the only thing I have never seen, is default target being -1), but that could be just limited knowledge from my side.

Yes, I agree with killerbot. That -1 is strange. I have checked some C::B projects, but none of them has -1... :?

Title: Re: ar.exe: \;: No such file or directory
Post by: killerbot on February 01, 2006, 09:19:33 pm
Suggestions :
1) download and install nightly
2) create a new static lib project (of the irrlight type) , start with adding just 1 file and see if it builds fine. Then compare manually the 2 cbp files, just xml, some things have changed. After the environment, compiler, linker options are done, well you could copy/paste all those Units (the actual source files) and see if still works. If it already fails with the small project with 1 file, things might be easier to spot.
Title: Re: ar.exe: \;: No such file or directory
Post by: Acki on February 01, 2006, 10:48:39 pm
Well, I got it working now...
But I still don't know what was the cause...
Because I previously had no problems to recompile this project, I thought it only could be something about the settings of C::B...
Now I deleted the whole C::B registry key "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Code::Blocks" (the one with all the settings)...
After starting C::B it sets all values to default and now I can compile the project again...  :)

And because the default target: it doesn't matter if it's -1, 0 or 1 - all the same ???
Title: Re: ar.exe: \;: No such file or directory
Post by: killerbot on February 01, 2006, 10:50:47 pm
well done, with the nightlies we have to do this also from time to time, then we don't delete stuff in the registry but we delete our default.conf, now it is in an conf (xml) file.
oh oh , where are the days that just rebooting the pc would fix things  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: ar.exe: \;: No such file or directory
Post by: Michael on February 02, 2006, 11:15:39 am
oh oh , where are the days that just rebooting the pc would fix things  :mrgreen:

Yeah...soft reset, hard reset...And all woked again :D...Or broken forever :(...What for a time it was... :D
