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Nightly builds / Re: The 14 June 2024 build (13529) is out.
« Last post by Pecan on January 31, 2025, 12:39:56 am »
Hi, I hope this message will be noticed. I did not open a new topic because it is definitely related to build 13529 and over.

I also have experienced major slowdowns since b13529.
What I wanted to point out is that the culprit was indeed Browse Tracker, I disabled it and now everything is fine as before.
At the moment of writing this, current NB is 13600 and the problem is *still present*. Therefore, I simply have to keep the plugin disabled. Hope this helps.
Therefore, please consider fixing the plugin, which is causing major slowdowns since b13529


@Elena: I apologize for missing your post.
I've reworked the Editor hook for efficiency such that only flags are set in that code and moved all processing of BrowseTracker arrays to the idle processing time routine.

Please consider retesting, since I was unable to recreate the slowdown and let us know the outcome.

CodeBlocks revision 13606.

Regards, pecan

Development / Re: CodeBlocks revision: '13605', breaks when opening a file (LINUX)
« Last post by Pecan on January 31, 2025, 12:31:56 am »
Although I was unable to recreate this assert, I added more guards against a possible out-of-bounds error on the BrowseTracker arrays.

CB Revision 13606
Development / Re: cannot find -luser32 etc.
« Last post by Miguel Gimenez on January 30, 2025, 06:10:02 pm »
How do I add them?

Just like you did previously:

I have added in "Project buil option" Linker setting" "link libraries" lines
Development / Re: cannot find -luser32 etc.
« Last post by typicalc on January 30, 2025, 03:14:57 pm »
How do I add them?
Using Code::Blocks / Re: Displaying code inside of preprocessor's if/endif
« Last post by christo on January 30, 2025, 01:20:40 pm »
Better, if you can edit the project file to add the defines as follows under <Project> , it works, no need to modify codeblocks.

                        <Add option="-DVAR" />
Development / Re: cannot find -luser32 etc.
« Last post by Miguel Gimenez on January 30, 2025, 01:16:20 pm »
If you are using MinGW then you must add libgdi32.a, libuser32.a and so on.

Order of the linked libraries does matter, this libraries should go at the end of the list.
Using Code::Blocks / Re: Displaying code inside of preprocessor's if/endif
« Last post by christo on January 30, 2025, 01:02:47 pm »
@Beesdeckar I too use custom makefile projects a lot, and #ifdefs has been very annoying. If you can build from source, I just tried following workaround to view compiler settings for custom makefile projects, and it worked for me.
diff --git a/src/plugins/compilergcc/compileroptionsdlg.cpp b/src/plugins/compilergcc/compileroptionsdlg.cpp
index 069d72649..947ea16f5 100644
--- a/src/plugins/compilergcc/compileroptionsdlg.cpp
+++ b/src/plugins/compilergcc/compileroptionsdlg.cpp
@@ -433,8 +433,6 @@ CompilerOptionsDlg::CompilerOptionsDlg(wxWindow* parent, CompilerGCC* compiler,
         nb->RemovePage(2); // remove "Search directories" page
         nb->RemovePage(1); // remove "Linker settings" page
-        nb->RemovePage(0); // remove "Compiler settings" page
-        XRCCTRL(*this, "tabCompiler", wxPanel)->Show(false);
         XRCCTRL(*this, "tabLinker", wxPanel)->Show(false);
         XRCCTRL(*this, "tabDirs", wxPanel)->Show(false);

With this, Compiler settings are enabled in Project -> Build options..
Add defines in #defines tab
Save  project, close and open it again, and code under the #define looks normal.
Development / cannot find -luser32 etc.
« Last post by typicalc on January 30, 2025, 12:13:25 pm »
When I compile a WIN32 C project I don't get any warnings or errors but at the end of linking I get:
ld.exe||cannot find -lgdi32|
ld.exe||cannot find -luser32|
ld.exe||cannot find -lkernel32|
ld.exe||cannot find -lcomctl32|
ld.exe||cannot find -lstdc++|
If I create a new Win32 C  default program it compiles and links just fine. So the libraries should be available.

If I take the C files from the problematic project and add it to the normally compiling and linking project and start getting the "cannot find" linking errors.
I have added in "Project buil option" Linker setting" "link libraries" lines
What can I do?
Using Code::Blocks / Displaying code inside of preprocessor's if/endif
« Last post by Beesdeckar on January 30, 2025, 11:23:03 am »
I have project type "custom Makefile" and I have C code inside of preprocessor #ifdef VAR ... #endif
and this code is displayed normally only when I #define VAR is above block in the same file.
When #define VAR is in some include file or I use Project build options -> custom variables, code editor ignores it and displays it in shadow colors.

I know that it can be set different colors for "inactive" code, but I'd like to have it functional due to better orientation when doing static code analysis.
Is is bug or is it by design ? Does exist some workaround for it ?
Nightly builds / Re: The 14 June 2024 build (13529) is out.
« Last post by Pecan on January 28, 2025, 05:57:16 pm »
This post describes a problem with the same commit producing the delays.

@Pecan, can you take a look?

I'll have a look today and try to reproduce it.
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