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Development / Re: build bot in the github, I see one nice project
« Last post by Grit Clef on Today at 06:19:43 am »
Now it might work; my hope.
Development / Re: build bot in the github, I see one nice project
« Last post by ollydbg on Today at 01:21:46 am »
 cmd /c if not exist ..\..\..\devel32\share\codeblocks\plugins mkdir ..\..\..\devel32\share\codeblocks\plugins
cmd /c if exist ./ del ./
zip -jq9 ./  src/resources/manifest.xml  src/resources/*.xrc src/resources/*.cbp
cmd /c "cd src/resources && zip -rq9 ../../ images && cd ../.."
'esources' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
mingw32-make[1]: *** [clangd_client_wx32.cbp.mak:62: after_default] Error 1
mingw32-make[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/a/winstyle-codeblocks-bins/winstyle-codeblocks-bins/codeblocks_sfmirror/src/plugins/contrib/clangd_client'
mingw32-make: *** [Makefile_plugins:56: plugins_contrib_clangd_client_clangd_client_wx32] Error 2
Error: Process completed with exit code 2.

I see this: main32 zxunge/winstyle-codeblocks-bins@e9dcd79

It looks like the batch command line error when building clangd_client plugin.
Im new, Im here
Nightly builds / Re: The 12 October 2024 build (13584) is out.
« Last post by Miguel Gimenez on Yesterday at 05:00:06 pm »
It is not a crash, it is generated by wxWidgets because we are trying to capture an already captured mouse.

This is a known old problem, but to fix it we need a consistent way to reproduce. If you can reproduce it consistently, please post the steps.
Nightly builds / Re : The 12 October 2024 build (13584) is out.
« Last post by ThierryD on Yesterday at 04:15:53 pm »

I don't known if cause  of crash is due to "newly" Nightly Build, or if I test CB with new configuration (I used two screens "today" on my laptop to work most quickly with multiple windows), but I constat crash after one click on main menu "Build" in second screen on Windows 11 64b.

Here my config CB  (and too in attachment)

Name                    : Code::Blocks
Version                 : svn-r13584
SDK Version             : 2.25.0
Scintilla Version       : 3.7.5
Author                  : The Code::Blocks Team
E-mail                  :
Website                 :
OS                      : Windows 11 (build 22631), 64-bit edition
Scaling factor          : 1.000000
Detected scaling factor : 1.000000
Display PPI             : 96x96
Display count           : 2
Display 0 (\\.\DISPLAY1): XY=[0,0]; Size=[1920,1080]; Primary
Display 1 (\\.\DISPLAY4): XY=[1920,0]; Size=[1920,1080];

wxWidgets Library (wxMSW port)
Version 3.2.6 (Unicode: wchar_t, debug level: 1),
compiled at Sep 25 2024 20:12:19

Runtime version of toolkit used is 10.0.

NB : two display detected ...

Join RPT generated.



Announcements / Re: successor of 20.03 available?
« Last post by cdavalillo on Yesterday at 01:46:13 am »
I'm waiting this new version since last year, I hope the new release had solved the symbol browser problems...
Help / Re: clangd code completion
« Last post by juxin5 on October 14, 2024, 08:34:49 pm »

He said in the beginning that Clangd_client didn't work, now he says it worked fine all along.

have you really read what I said? It does not work when I open files without a project.

You really think it works fine when it literally works worse than the classic code completion in this scenario?
Contributions to C::B / Re: Code::Blocks' translation
« Last post by Miguel Gimenez on October 14, 2024, 07:31:50 pm »
Thank you
Contributions to C::B / Re: Code::Blocks' translation
« Last post by Michael Agarkov on October 14, 2024, 07:11:00 pm »
I did all the leftover translations to Russian.
Help / Re: clangd code completion
« Last post by Pecan on October 14, 2024, 04:33:22 pm »
I forgot to say that clangd does work fine when I load a project, meaning the code completion works fine, while also has the issue user "wtfisgoingoff" mentioned.

This guy has got to be a troll. He has wasted a lot of good peoples time.

He said in the beginning that Clangd_client didn't work, now he says it worked fine all along.

hello, first time here.
I followed the wiki page to enable the Clangd plugin, but the code completion is not working.
Is there something I am missing?
I'm using build 13539 on windows.
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