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Nightly builds / Re: The 14 September 2024 build (13570) is out.
« Last post by Khram on September 25, 2024, 03:18:20 pm »
Today, the CB repeatedly stopped due to the above error. Due to switching for hints in Chrome.
Using Code::Blocks / Breakpoints Not Breaking on Flow Control or Assignment Statements
« Last post by Thoth on September 25, 2024, 02:51:05 pm »
Hello People,

I am using Code::Blocks version:
Name                   : Code::Blocks
Version                : svn-r13046
SDK Version            : 2.23.0

When I set a breakpoint on an if statement, the code stops on a statement within the block, not on the if statement as I expect. Also, when I set a breakpoint on an assignment statement the code stops on the next non-assignment statement. It looks like the debugger will not stop on any flow control statement, but I have not fully checked this.
Did something change in the last several versions?

I prefer to have programs break on flow control statements so I can evaluate what is going to happen. More importantly, I expect the program to halt wherever I have a breakpoint, regardless of the instruction.

I have enabled debugging symbols and tried variations of optimizations. I have also set both target options as well as project options.
-Og; Optimize debugging executable (compile speed, execution speed and better debugging)
-g; Produce debugging symbols
-O1; Linker output optimization (level 1)

Always breaks on statement below with '--->'.
Never stops on if statement, the line in the if block.
Never stops on the DevicesCount assignment statement.
	if (oDevices.find(0) != oDevices.end()) {
CmdRez =;

if (oDevices.size() > 1)
std::map<uint8_t, std::map<uint16_t, std::vector<uint8_t>>>::const_iterator ItorDevices;
std::map<uint16_t, std::vector<uint8_t>> oADevice;
std::map<uint16_t, std::vector<uint8_t>> TempMap;
std::vector<uint8_t> DevicesVector;
uint8_t DeviceCount = 0;

// ADC_LibUSBDevices
---> ResultVector.push_back(((ADC_LibUSBDevices >> 8) & 0xFF));

While researching another issue I thought I saw a post about current versions of Code::Blocks no longer stopping on flow control. However, I was not able to locate whatever it was I saw.

What else can I try? I want to have the program break on flow control and assignment statements.

Help / Re: Simple 2D game project??
« Last post by AlinaIvanova17 on September 25, 2024, 01:50:15 pm »
Thanks for the information!
Development / Re: build bot in the github, I see one nice project
« Last post by stahta01 on September 25, 2024, 12:02:05 pm »

It is a run-time false warning fix when installing cbplugin files.

See also
This is an 32 bit build fix and it is also needed for 64 bit wxWidgets 3.3.x building of code::blocks.

Tim S.

Thanks, I will try this patch later.

BTW: I'm going to commit the changes in src/include/cbplugin.h mentioned in my previous posts, is that what you suggested way to handle the wxSmith build issue?

I have not suggested any wxSmith build fixes; because for some reason I can not test any of them locally on my msys2 mingw enviroments.
I have no idea if it is a software or hardware bug on my PC, I get a false cannot find file message.
Edit: Found the cause of my wxSmith build error; the path to "MINGW-packages" was too long or it had too many sub-folders in it.

Tim S.
Development / Re: build bot in the github, I see one nice project
« Last post by ollydbg on September 25, 2024, 11:47:12 am »

It is a run-time false warning fix when installing cbplugin files.

See also
This is an 32 bit build fix and it is also needed for 64 bit wxWidgets 3.3.x building of code::blocks.

Tim S.

Thanks, I will try this patch later.

BTW: I'm going to commit the changes in src/include/cbplugin.h mentioned in my previous posts, is that what you suggested way to handle the wxSmith build issue?
Development / Re: build bot in the github, I see one nice project
« Last post by stahta01 on September 25, 2024, 11:03:04 am »

It is a run-time false warning fix when installing cbplugin files.

See also
This is an 32 bit build fix and it is also needed for 64 bit wxWidgets 3.3.x building of code::blocks.

Tim S.
Nightly builds / Re: The 14 September 2024 build (13570) is out.
« Last post by SharkCZ on September 25, 2024, 09:06:18 am »
Using Code::Blocks / Re: Workspace Stopped Opening Project File
« Last post by Thoth on September 25, 2024, 05:48:51 am »
Hello Miguel,

That was my thought at first.

However, a binary comparison of the project file and the bad project file showed them as being the same.
I also encountered this issue with a different workspace today. I ended up copying the first good project, renaming it and changing it.

Development / Re: build bot in the github, I see one nice project
« Last post by ollydbg on September 25, 2024, 04:12:44 am »
Well, I see your patch's content is too large, and I apply it locally, and I see only two line changes:

see below:

diff --git a/src/plugins/contrib/wxSmith/ b/src/plugins/contrib/wxSmith/
index 38262bf..dfe9df2 100644
--- a/src/plugins/contrib/wxSmith/
+++ b/src/plugins/contrib/wxSmith/
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ AM_CPPFLAGS = $(WX_CXXFLAGS) \
-libwxsmithlib_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info 0:1:0 -shared
+libwxsmithlib_la_LDFLAGS = @MODULE_SHARED_LDFLAGS@ -version-info 0:1:0 -no-undefined -avoid-version
 libwxsmithlib_la_LIBADD = ../../../sdk/ \
  properties/ \

I think this is exactly the patch file in msys2 here:

Another change line is here:

diff --git a/src/src/ b/src/src/
index 49d5dd9..d59889b 100644
--- a/src/src/
+++ b/src/src/
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ codeblocks_LDADD += resources.$(OBJEXT) -lexchndl -lcomctl32
 codeblocks_DEPENDENCIES = resources.$(OBJEXT)
 codeblocks_SOURCES += associations.cpp
 resources.$(OBJEXT): resources/resources.rc resources/amd64_dpi_aware_on.manifest
- $(WINDRES) $(WX_CXXFLAGS) -DcbDPI_AWARE_ON --include-dir $(top_srcdir)/src $< $@
+ $(WINDRES) $(WX_CPPFLAGS) -DcbDPI_AWARE_ON --include-dir $(top_srcdir)/src $< $@
 noinst_HEADERS = app.h \

This is the command line option you changed for compiling the resource rc file. I don't see a similar patch in msys2's codeblocks folder:

Another patch I see is here:

--- a/src/sdk/configmanager.cpp	(revision 13538)
+++ b/src/sdk/configmanager.cpp (working copy)
@@ -1497,7 +1497,7 @@
     if (plugin_path_global.IsEmpty())
         if (platform::windows)
-            ConfigManager::plugin_path_global = app_path + _T("/../lib/codeblocks/plugins");
+            ConfigManager::plugin_path_global = app_path + _T("\\..\\lib\\codeblocks\\plugins");
         else if (platform::macosx)
             ConfigManager::plugin_path_global = data_path_global + _T("/plugins");

@Tim, can you say something about this code change? If we don't change this, what will happen? I don't see this code change in my github action's code.


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