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Nightly builds / Re: The 12 October 2024 build (13584) is out.
« Last post by ThierryD on October 26, 2024, 06:45:42 pm »
Hi Miguel, Hi Tim,

YES. Today I can reproduce precedent "crash".

An Alert box appear with title : "wxWidgets Debug Alert"

Text into this alert box :
   ../../src/commen/wincmn.cpp(3426): assert ""!wxMouseCapture::stack.empty()"" failed into
   ReleaseMouse(): Releasing mouse capture but capture stack empty?
Juste to describe my actions, I modify my project CB, but not in IDE, simply with "notepad++" to add
two new files at this project (here new files are "logger.h" and "logger.c").

In my file *.cbp, it's easy to add these new lines under :

      <Unit filename="src/logger.c">
         <Option compilerVar="CC" />
         <Option target="Debug Mingw32 official" />
         <Option target="Release Mingw32 official" />
         <Option target="Debug Mingw64 CB" />
         <Option target="Release Mingw64 CB" />
         <Option target="Debug Mingw64 Dev-Cpp" />
         <Option target="Release Mingw64 Dev-Cpp" />
         <Option target="Debug CYGWIN 32" />
         <Option target="Release CYGWIN 32" />
         <Option target="Debug CYGWIN 64" />
         <Option target="Release CYGWIN 64" />
         <Option target="Debug CYGWIN N64" />
         <Option target="Release CYGWIN N64" />
         <Option target="Debug Mingw32 wl" />
         <Option target="Release Mingw32 wl" />
         <Option target="Debug Mingw64 wl" />
         <Option target="Release Mingw64 wl" />
         <Option target="Debug TDM MinGW32" />
         <Option target="Release TDM MinGW32" />
         <Option target="Debug TDM MinGW64" />
         <Option target="Release TDM MinGW64" />
         <Option target="Debug MSYS2W32" />
         <Option target="Release MSYS2W32" />
         <Option target="Debug MSYS2W64" />
         <Option target="Release MSYS2W64" />
         <Option target="Debug VS2022 X32" />
         <Option target="Release VS2022 X32" />
         <Option target="Debug VS2022 X64" />
         <Option target="Release VS2022 X64" />
         <Option target="Debug DMC" />
         <Option target="Release DMC" />
         <Option target="Debug lcc" />
         <Option target="Release lcc" />
         <Option target="Debug lcc64" />
         <Option target="Release lcc64" />
         <Option target="Debug BorlandC" />
         <Option target="Release BorlandC" />
         <Option target="Debug OW 32" />
         <Option target="Release OW 32" />
         <Option target="Debug OW 64" />
         <Option target="Release OW 64" />
         <Option target="Debug PELLES C" />
         <Option target="Release PELLES C" />
         <Option target="Debug PELLES C 64" />
         <Option target="Release PELLES C 64" />
         <Option target="Debug CLANG Mingw32" />
         <Option target="Release CLANG Mingw32" />
         <Option target="Debug CLANG Mingw64" />
         <Option target="Release CLANG Mingw64" />
         <Option target="Debug CLANG MSX32" />
         <Option target="Release CLANG MSX32" />
         <Option target="Debug CLANG MSX64" />
         <Option target="Release CLANG MSX64" />
         <Option target="Debug CLANG MSYS W32" />
         <Option target="Release CLANG MSYS W32" />
         <Option target="Debug CLANG MSYS W64" />
         <Option target="Release CLANG MSYS W64" />
         <Option target="Debug MSYS2 UCRT64" />
         <Option target="Release MSYS2 UCRT64" />
         <Option target="Debug Intel X32" />
         <Option target="Release Intel X32" />
         <Option target="Debug Intel X64" />
         <Option target="Release Intel X64" />
      <Unit filename="src/logger.h">
         <Option target="Debug Mingw32 official" />
         <Option target="Release Mingw32 official" />
         <Option target="Debug Mingw64 CB" />
         <Option target="Release Mingw64 CB" />
         <Option target="Debug Mingw64 Dev-Cpp" />
         <Option target="Release Mingw64 Dev-Cpp" />
         <Option target="Debug CYGWIN 32" />
         <Option target="Release CYGWIN 32" />
         <Option target="Debug CYGWIN 64" />
         <Option target="Release CYGWIN 64" />
         <Option target="Debug CYGWIN N64" />
         <Option target="Release CYGWIN N64" />
         <Option target="Debug Mingw32 wl" />
         <Option target="Release Mingw32 wl" />
         <Option target="Debug Mingw64 wl" />
         <Option target="Release Mingw64 wl" />
         <Option target="Debug TDM MinGW32" />
         <Option target="Release TDM MinGW32" />
         <Option target="Debug TDM MinGW64" />
         <Option target="Release TDM MinGW64" />
         <Option target="Debug MSYS2W32" />
         <Option target="Release MSYS2W32" />
         <Option target="Debug MSYS2W64" />
         <Option target="Release MSYS2W64" />
         <Option target="Debug VS2022 X32" />
         <Option target="Release VS2022 X32" />
         <Option target="Debug VS2022 X64" />
         <Option target="Release VS2022 X64" />
         <Option target="Debug DMC" />
         <Option target="Release DMC" />
         <Option target="Debug lcc" />
         <Option target="Release lcc" />
         <Option target="Debug lcc64" />
         <Option target="Release lcc64" />
         <Option target="Debug BorlandC" />
         <Option target="Release BorlandC" />
         <Option target="Debug OW 32" />
         <Option target="Release OW 32" />
         <Option target="Debug OW 64" />
         <Option target="Release OW 64" />
         <Option target="Debug PELLES C" />
         <Option target="Release PELLES C" />
         <Option target="Debug PELLES C 64" />
         <Option target="Release PELLES C 64" />
         <Option target="Debug CLANG Mingw32" />
         <Option target="Release CLANG Mingw32" />
         <Option target="Debug CLANG Mingw64" />
         <Option target="Release CLANG Mingw64" />
         <Option target="Debug CLANG MSX32" />
         <Option target="Release CLANG MSX32" />
         <Option target="Debug CLANG MSX64" />
         <Option target="Release CLANG MSX64" />
         <Option target="Debug CLANG MSYS W32" />
         <Option target="Release CLANG MSYS W32" />
         <Option target="Debug CLANG MSYS W64" />
         <Option target="Release CLANG MSYS W64" />
         <Option target="Debug MSYS2 UCRT64" />
         <Option target="Release MSYS2 UCRT64" />
         <Option target="Debug Intel X32" />
         <Option target="Release Intel X32" />
         <Option target="Debug Intel X64" />
         <Option target="Release Intel X64" />
I save this "project" CB file into notepad++.
Into IDE, CB react to ask me if I want reload new project or not. I respond yes.

And, after, new click on "Rebuild all", and "crash" in wxWidgets  ... with Alert Box described below.

Windows IDE disappear (snif), with generation of RPT file (the same with precedent ...)


Nightly builds / Re: The 12 October 2024 build (13584) is out.
« Last post by Uriens The Gray on October 26, 2024, 03:17:51 pm »
Works fine from the MSYS2 packages. Using Win 11.
Development / Re: build bot in the github, I see one nice project
« Last post by Grit Clef on October 26, 2024, 06:36:40 am »
No, it is not about plugins but codeblocks itself. Strange.
What we can do to deal with spam bots:
  • Approve every member who registered manually
  • Require a link to a git account for registering (e.g. GitHub, Codeberg, Gitea, et cetera)
  • Allow only whitelisted email services (e.g.,, et cetera)

Might also be a good idea to only let members who are at least "Multiple posting newcomers" to send links and include websites in forum profile.
Development / Re: build bot in the github, I see one nice project
« Last post by ollydbg on October 24, 2024, 10:04:58 am »
CodeBlocks was built partially, but it can't be put in use. Assertion failed on startup.

You may start the C::B without any plugins to see whether it is caused by the host exe file, or by loading the plugins files.

It looks like some toolbar buttons images are not correctly copied?
Development / Re: build bot in the github, I see one nice project
« Last post by Grit Clef on October 24, 2024, 06:18:51 am »
CodeBlocks was built partially, but it can't be put in use. Assertion failed on startup.
Nightly builds / Re: The 12 October 2024 build (13584) is out.
« Last post by ThierryD on October 22, 2024, 03:04:33 pm »
Ok, Tim, I disabled plugin "Code completion" (and clangd too).

Nightly builds / Re: The 12 October 2024 build (13584) is out.
« Last post by stahta01 on October 22, 2024, 01:27:23 am »
Hi Miguel,

Sorry for delay of this response, ...but it's really difficult to reproduce this (not) "crash" of CB (wx is the major cause ...).
I'm not sure it's the same scenario, but yes today,  another RPT is generate (joined).

I try to describe my actions (always on my second screen) :
   - after many "rebuild" on Workspace CB, I save "all" with submenu "Save Everything" in menu "File",
   - and last click on "All build" (my virtual target) to "rebuild all"  and crash ...

I join too my project CB (renamed in *.cbp.txt).

I reload all of my environment of this project on GitHub here : (repository open).



This time it looks like code completion crashed; so, it is not the same as last time. I suggest turning off the code completion plugin.
But, I do not use the old code completion plugin and rarely the new clang plugin replacement.

Tim S.
Nightly builds / Re: The 12 October 2024 build (13584) is out.
« Last post by ThierryD on October 21, 2024, 04:31:30 pm »
Hi Miguel,

Sorry for delay of this response, ...but it's really difficult to reproduce this (not) "crash" of CB (wx is the major cause ...).
I'm not sure it's the same scenario, but yes today,  another RPT is generate (joined).

I try to describe my actions (always on my second screen) :
   - after many "rebuild" on Workspace CB, I save "all" with submenu "Save Everything" in menu "File",
   - and last click on "All build" (my virtual target) to "rebuild all"  and crash ...

I join too my project CB (renamed in *.cbp.txt).

I reload all of my environment of this project on GitHub here : (repository open).



General (but related to Code::Blocks) / Re: Welcome Newcomers - PLEASE READ!!!
« Last post by kostil on October 20, 2024, 08:27:13 pm »
I am new, I am here
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