Development / Re: build bot in the github, I see one nice project
« Last post by Grit Clef on Today at 05:22:58 am »Good news: I had just forgotten to use some shell commands to change the Makefile so that it can work under MSYS2 zip. The following commands can change all back-slashes to forward-slashes and do other necessary modification:
A successful action can be found at https://github.com/zxunge/winstyle-codeblocks-bins/actions/runs/11192814700
So now maybe we can use a automatical winstyle build.
I'm now wondering if cbp2make can convert .workspace files.
sed '/zip -jq9*/ s/\\/\//g' Makefile_core -i
sed -i '85 s/LIB_SDK = $(LIB) -lshfolder -ltxml -lwxscintilla_cb -lsquirrel -lgdi32/LIB_SDK = -lshfolder -ltxml -lwxscintilla_cb $(LIB) -lsquirrel -lgdi32/' Makefile_core
sed 's/$(DEP_.*//g' Makefile_core -i
So now maybe we can use a automatical winstyle build.
I'm now wondering if cbp2make can convert .workspace files.