Help / Re: clangd code completion
« Last post by Pecan on Today at 06:29:40 am »
so my clangd.exe is in "C:\Program Files\LLVM\bin\clangd.exe"
thx for the reply.
it's "C:\Program Files\LLVM\bin\clangd.exe".
that is a method listed on the wiki. And so is the LLVM one. They are both supposed to work right...?
I'm going to guess the problem is caused by the space in "Program Files".
Clangd is essentially a Linux program which cannot handle spaces in file names.
We now need to determine if that is actually the problem.
First: Tell us how you start CodeBlocks so that we can then tell you how to turn the clangd_client logs on.
Then we can read the log to see what Clangd_client thinks the problem is.
Thanks for your patients.