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cc1plus.exe: warning: ./wx_pch.h.gch/Debug_wx_pch_h_gch: not used because `__NO_INLINE__' not defined [-Winvalid-pch]

I know its an old post, but thats what I found googling the issue. As the root cause is so stupid I do not want to spent much time on it again when I am going to run into it next time.

Root Cause:
There is nothing CB can do about it, its a GCC problem.
The warning happens when -Winvalid-pch is configured to warn about PCH issues. Since all PCHs could be in the same folder, GCC puts the BuildTarget name into them to keep them apart, e.g. "xxxReleasexxxx" or "xxxDebugxxxx". Compiling "Debug" will be fine. But when you compile "Release" gcc looks into the folder for 'gch'' files and first finds the "Debug" version. Since this is not the correct one it prints the warning. Only then it looks for the next file and finds the correct "Release" version. So it continues to compile with no further warnings. The code will run fine.
The result is a flood useless warnings for any Release build, but none for the Debug build. Maybe there is an architectural reason why they can not look for other fiiles first and then throw the warning, but so we get yet another confusing gcc warning.

There are two wys to sove this
1. Put the PCH files into separate folders. Only the middle C::B option will do that
2. The alternative is to not use -Winvalid-pch compiler switch

First you should exactly know where the compiler you're using is, and where the corresponding wxWidgets' dlls are. Check in the PATH envvar if there's another compiler path in it, and make sure that you removed other compilers and added the bin path of the compiler you're using(I see It's gcc) into it.
Then everything will be fine.
Alternatively, you can manually copy libstdc++-6.dll, libgcc_s_seh-1.dll and libwinpthread-1.dll to your application's directory.
Hi.  The project runs OK with CB and executes OK (with green arrow). 
However when I double click the *.exe, the error is;
   wxmsw32ud_gcc_custom.dll not found.

When I load the file into the same folder, then a new error is;
   The entry point could not be located.

How do you package the *.exe for standalone usage???

Regards JC....
Using Code::Blocks / new project wizard fails to locate glfw3.h
« Last post by Vigor on April 17, 2024, 01:54:44 am »
This was not a problem before I installed the 13493 nightly build.

I now have 2 installations of codeblocks on my computer, one residing at the default location, the other residing where I unzipped the nightly.   

But that is fine, the nightly installation works great for my old projects and they get their .h .dll .a .lib files from the path to them from the old installation of codeblocks.

The default path of the new nightly build installation's wizard uses the old installation of codeblocks files.   That seems strange but the files are there so, I'm not bothered.   The problem is it keeps failing to find glfw3.h which, in the past resided in a GL\ directory inside the MINGW\include\ directory.   I also tried copying the
opengl files to the respective directories in the new installation and using the MINGW64 directory of the nightly installation but that didn't work either.

I found an old post where this was an issue 6 years ago and tried to follow the instructions to fix it but it doesn't appear to be exactly the same issue.  I think that old problem is fixed in this version but my problem is just similar.  I went to edit the script for the new project but the line numbers are different.  I think i found the appropriate lines of code but they already look right.   I don't know what to change or how to change it.   Perhaps this function shows the right place?

function GetFilesDir()
    return _T("glfw/files");

Might that mean that I need to make a folder \MINGW64\INCLUDE\GLFW\FILES\ and ..\LIB\GLFW\FILES\ etc or would all of the gl files, .a .lib .dll go in one MINGW64\GLFW\FILES\ folder?    Is there even supposed to be a FILES\ folder or does the "files" in "glfw/files" act as a wildcard for files in a GLFW\ folder?

I also tried making an empty console application and converting it to a glfw3 application but that didn't work either, it said glfw3.h was missing at compile time.

In my previous/first installation of codeblocks, making a glfw project used glfw.h and I had to alter
each new project to make it a glfw3.h project.

I also tried moving all opengl .h .dll .a .lib files to the MINGW\ and MINGW64\ directories but that didn't work either.

I think i might be inclined to put all of the glfw3 files in one place to avoid needing a bunch of different paths but...   I suspect the solution to my problem is simple but arbitrary and i am unlikely to figure it out on my own.

Thank you for codeblocks and thank you for your time
Plugins development / Re: Code completion using LSP and clangd
« Last post by MaxGaspa on April 16, 2024, 10:43:40 pm »
Plugins development / Re: Code completion using LSP and clangd
« Last post by MaxGaspa on April 16, 2024, 08:05:51 pm »

Would you please give steps to re-create and trace the problem, i.e.,
1) do this
2) now do that

1) open a project with multiple source file, so the whole parsing process takes time (more than few seconds)
2) During the parsing process open a source file
3) Select in the box (shown in the attached e-mail) a choice
4) When the parsing of a file is completed the box is cleared (made empty).

In case I can make a video....

Plugins development / Re: Code completion using LSP and clangd
« Last post by Pecan on April 16, 2024, 06:37:58 pm »

I'm writing to submit a (passible) bug report of the Code Completion plugin (LSP and Clangd).

When I load a project the plugin starts to parse all the project's files. I observe the log of parsing in the Code::Blocks  panel of the Logs window. In the meantime  I open a file, Application.cpp for example,  and  I select "Application:" to use the plugin (see image attached) soon as a new file is parsed the selection I can't use the code completion till the full parsing of the projects. As soon as a new file parsing is completed the selection becomes blank.

Is this behavior expected?

Windows 10 , latest nightly , latest Mys2 clang 18.1.3-1

Would you please give steps to re-create and trace the problem, i.e.,
1) do this
2) now do that
Plugins development / Re: Code completion using LSP and clangd
« Last post by MaxGaspa on April 16, 2024, 12:02:56 pm »

I'm writing to submit a (passible) bug report of the Code Completion plugin (LSP and Clangd).

When I load a project the plugin starts to parse all the project's files. I observe the log of parsing in the Code::Blocks  panel of the Logs window. In the meantime  I open a file, Application.cpp for example,  and  I select "Application:" to use the plugin (see image attached) soon as a new file is parsed the selection I can't use the code completion till the full parsing of the projects. As soon as a new file parsing is completed the selection becomes blank.

Is this behavior expected?

Windows 10 , latest nightly , latest Mys2 clang 18.1.3-1
Help / Re: problem with silent install in version codeblocks-20.03mingw-setup
« Last post by ollydbg on April 16, 2024, 04:13:24 am »
Hi, this image is too small that nothing can be seen from it.

I suggest using a nightly version of Code::Blocks, and this version don't need to be "installed". You just need to "unzip" the extracted zip files.

About the compiler, you need to install a compiler, for example:

[WinLibs - GCC+MinGW-w64 compiler for Windows](
Help / problem with silent install in version codeblocks-20.03mingw-setup
« Last post by olivier sc on April 15, 2024, 08:40:15 pm »
Hello dear,

I try to install silently codeblocks-20.03mingw-setup.exe with /S
I get alwais a exit status 2
When i lunch it, no compiler is present.
You can see attached image:
in 1 it is a machine that has never had codeblock installed.
in 2 it is a machine installed by hand or having already had codeblock installed

I see this on chocolatey package to!
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