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Help / cant use alt codes
« Last post by TuxerTuxar on Yesterday at 11:05:11 am »
sooo my keyboard doesnt have keys for letters like { or } so often times i use alt codes (i.e. alt + 123 or alt + 125) and these dont seem to work on code::blocks any help
Help / Can split windows be disabled.
« Last post by Pecan on August 30, 2024, 06:13:36 pm »
when working with two huge projects in the same workspace, when I switch to the second project, do a search, then double click on some of the results, the windows open in a split window hidden behind the current source window.

The windows and tabs are hidden behind the first with only a thin line to left indicating that there are windows behind.

I completely miss this condition every time. It so confusing to me.
Is there a way to disable split windows?

Development / Re: build bot in the github, I see one nice project
« Last post by stahta01 on August 28, 2024, 01:35:01 pm »

You might try the normal make like this.


NOTE: The "*" star might need double or single quotes around it. This option is supposed to turn off file handling magic.


Tim S.

Hi, Tim, nice finding!

But why do you think "normal make" is needed. I think mingw32-make can still be used if we "disable the file path handling magic".

It depends, some things build better with one or the other of make commands and some build okay with both. Till it is tried I see no pattern [useful to predict which will happen].

Tim S.
This works OK in the nightly.

However, the Default buttons do not work as intended. EDIT: should be fixed in trunk.
General (but related to Code::Blocks) / Re: g++.exe what -std=c++ <what version>
« Last post by Krice on August 28, 2024, 09:31:08 am »
If I do not specify in CB what to use, then how can I determine what has been used
(wrt C++ standard) ??

You do specify the C++ standard in project - build options (Have g++ follow the C++... options), it's the easiest way to know what C++ version is used.
Development / Re: build bot in the github, I see one nice project
« Last post by ollydbg on August 28, 2024, 04:32:13 am »

You might try the normal make like this.


NOTE: The "*" star might need double or single quotes around it. This option is supposed to turn off file handling magic.


Tim S.

Hi, Tim, nice finding!

But why do you think "normal make" is needed. I think mingw32-make can still be used if we "disable the file path handling magic".

Hi, we already have a plugin named "Valgrind plugin", see some images here: How to use valgrind in code::blocks?

But Valgrind plugin is mainly for Linux. I see a similar tool under Windows, named "heob", see here: heob

QTCreator has already embeded this tool, see here: Profiling and Memory Checking Tools - Qt Wiki and Heob | Qt Creator Documentation

So, what I need to do is: copy the code of Valgrind plugin, and modify the code to support heob tool.

Any good ideas? Thanks.
General (but related to Code::Blocks) / Problem with syntax highlight colours
« Last post by Ken_A on August 28, 2024, 12:07:29 am »
I am a newbie to CodeBlocks, and have a small problem with syntax highlight colours in the editor.

I use:  Menu ->Setting > Editor > Syntax Highlighting
Then Click on (say) Foreground: This pops up the colour selector
Click on Define custom colour.
Choose a colour, then click Add to Custom Colours.
Click OK.   This applies the custom colour.

All good, but then when I click again to set colour of something else, and the colour selector pops up again,
    the Custom Colour boxes are all white.
I expected the first box to have the custom colour I had set.  And as I add more custom colours I expected
    them all to remain available in the Custom Colour boxes (up to max of 16).
But it does not seem to work this way.

Am I missing something, or is this how it is meant to be ?
I have just registered on the forum.
I also had to enter "2024".
So the problem is still not fixed.
Development / Re: build bot in the github, I see one nice project
« Last post by stahta01 on August 27, 2024, 05:49:40 pm »
I think I found the reason why the zip command works badly.

I create a very simple makefile:

# Define variables
ZIP = xyz\
FILES = xyz\a1.txt
ZIP_CMD = zip -jq9 $(ZIP) $(FILES)

# Default target
all: zip

# Zip target

# Clean target
del $(ZIP)

# Phony targets to avoid conflicts with files
.PHONY: all zip clean

Please note that I can run the command "mingw32-make" under the mingw64 shell under msys2, and it works fine.

But if I change the "xyz\a1.txt" to "xyz\*.txt".

It will failed. my guess is that the mingw64 shell will "escape" the "\*" as a special character.

If I change to "FILES = xyz/*.txt", it works OK.

I have tried the zip command inside the mingw64 shell, or I just use the zip command (I mentioned the zip command's link before), all failed if I use the "xyz\*.txt".

Now, I see that "xyz\*.txt" works OK under Windows native command line shell.

So, the solution is: can we call the "mingw32-make.exe" inside the "Windows native CMD"?

You might try the normal make like this.


NOTE: The "*" star might need double or single quotes around it. This option is supposed to turn off file handling magic.


Tim S.
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