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Using Code::Blocks / Re: Generation with Pelles C Compiler (Version 12.00.1) failed
« Last post by ThierryD on January 08, 2025, 12:26:01 pm »
And, if you want, I propose to transfer this project on my GitHub account into public repository.

Useful or not ?

Using Code::Blocks / Re: Generation with Pelles C Compiler (Version 12.00.1) failed
« Last post by ThierryD on January 08, 2025, 12:23:20 pm »

"pocc.exe /nologo  -Tx86-coff /Ze /c /DNDEBUG /D_X86_ /DBUILD_DLL  -Tx86-coff /D_X86_   /IC:\PellesC\include\Win /IC:\PellesC\include /c src\TKIMAGE.C /FoobjPELLESC32\Release\src\TKIMAGE.obj

echo %errorlevel%

Code::Blocks checks the return code, but when you use the console you are not checking it. Use "echo %errorlevel%" after each call to pocc.exe.
Using Code::Blocks / Re: Generation with Pelles C Compiler (Version 12.00.1) failed
« Last post by ThierryD on January 07, 2025, 03:18:38 pm »
Hi Miguel,

Yes, I investigate about this proposition. First all these directories exist .. really. I use same "stucture" with all others compilers used (I have a "standard" script to generate it).

To verify, I change all rigths in these directories to authorize full acces (.ie. "control total") to group "authentified users" and rigth "Change" to group "users" joined to my computer.
And, also to attribute same rigths of all sources (*.h, *.c) of my project to be sure ... (stored in directory "src", this lead "automatic" creation of the same "name" of subdirectory under objPELLESC32\Debug and objPELLESC32\Release if don't exist to store *.obj during compilation into CB).

And in subdirectory objPELLESC32\Debug\src, I find this list of *.obj :

07/01/2025  14:31             2 564 FONT.obj
07/01/2025  14:31            18 439 GLAUX.obj
07/01/2025  14:31             2 166 IMAGE.obj
07/01/2025  14:31            27 068 SHAPES.obj
07/01/2025  14:31            10 249 TEAPOT.obj
07/01/2025  14:31            49 482 TK.obj
07/01/2025  14:31             8 756 TKDIB.obj
07/01/2025  14:31           982 523 TKFONT.obj

But, I have eleven sources *.c to compile in this project, only eigth OBJ  ...

And generation failed too :

-------------- Clean: Release PELLES C in GLaux (compiler: Pelles C (32b))---------------

Cleaned "GLaux - Release PELLES C"

-------------- Build: Release PELLES C in GLaux (compiler: Pelles C (32b))---------------

Running target pre-build steps
cmd /c pocc | grep Version
Pelles ISO C Compiler, Version 12.00.1
pocc.exe /nologo  -Tx86-coff /Ze /c /DNDEBUG /D_X86_ /DBUILD_DLL  -Tx86-coff /D_X86_   /IC:\PellesC\include\Win /IC:\PellesC\include /c src\FONT.C /FoobjPELLESC32\Release\src\FONT.obj
pocc.exe /nologo  -Tx86-coff /Ze /c /DNDEBUG /D_X86_ /DBUILD_DLL  -Tx86-coff /D_X86_   /IC:\PellesC\include\Win /IC:\PellesC\include /c src\GLAUX.C /FoobjPELLESC32\Release\src\GLAUX.obj
pocc.exe /nologo  -Tx86-coff /Ze /c /DNDEBUG /D_X86_ /DBUILD_DLL  -Tx86-coff /D_X86_   /IC:\PellesC\include\Win /IC:\PellesC\include /c src\IMAGE.C /FoobjPELLESC32\Release\src\IMAGE.obj
pocc.exe /nologo  -Tx86-coff /Ze /c /DNDEBUG /D_X86_ /DBUILD_DLL  -Tx86-coff /D_X86_   /IC:\PellesC\include\Win /IC:\PellesC\include /c src\SHAPES.C /FoobjPELLESC32\Release\src\SHAPES.obj
pocc.exe /nologo  -Tx86-coff /Ze /c /DNDEBUG /D_X86_ /DBUILD_DLL  -Tx86-coff /D_X86_   /IC:\PellesC\include\Win /IC:\PellesC\include /c src\TEAPOT.C /FoobjPELLESC32\Release\src\TEAPOT.obj
pocc.exe /nologo  -Tx86-coff /Ze /c /DNDEBUG /D_X86_ /DBUILD_DLL  -Tx86-coff /D_X86_   /IC:\PellesC\include\Win /IC:\PellesC\include /c src\TK.C /FoobjPELLESC32\Release\src\TK.obj
pocc.exe /nologo  -Tx86-coff /Ze /c /DNDEBUG /D_X86_ /DBUILD_DLL  -Tx86-coff /D_X86_   /IC:\PellesC\include\Win /IC:\PellesC\include /c src\TKDIB.C /FoobjPELLESC32\Release\src\TKDIB.obj
pocc.exe /nologo  -Tx86-coff /Ze /c /DNDEBUG /D_X86_ /DBUILD_DLL  -Tx86-coff /D_X86_   /IC:\PellesC\include\Win /IC:\PellesC\include /c src\TKFONT.C /FoobjPELLESC32\Release\src\TKFONT.obj
src\SHAPES.C(598): warning #2229: Local 'x2' is potentially used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\SHAPES.C(598): warning #2229: Local 'x1' is potentially used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\SHAPES.C(598): warning #2229: Local 'x0' is potentially used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\SHAPES.C(645): warning #2117: Old-style function definition for 'initdodec'.
src\TEAPOT.C(76): warning #2215: Conversion from 'double' to 'float'; possible loss of data or unexpected result.
src\TEAPOT.C(76): warning #2215: Conversion from 'double' to 'float'; possible loss of data or unexpected result.
src\TEAPOT.C(76): warning #2215: Conversion from 'double' to 'float'; possible loss of data or unexpected result.
src\TEAPOT.C(123): warning #2215: Conversion from 'double' to 'float'; possible loss of data or unexpected result.
src\TEAPOT.C(123): warning #2215: Conversion from 'double' to 'float'; possible loss of data or unexpected result.
src\TEAPOT.C(123): warning #2215: Conversion from 'double' to 'float'; possible loss of data or unexpected result.
Process terminated with status -1073741819 (0 minute(s), 0 second(s))
src\TKDIB.C(410): warning #2229: Local 'pvBitsFile' is potentially used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKDIB.C(345): warning #2229: Local 'pvBitsFile' is potentially used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKDIB.C(302): warning #2229: Local 'pvBitsFile' is potentially used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
Process terminated with status -1073741819 (0 minute(s), 0 second(s))
src\TK.C(580): warning #2241: The function 'GetVersionExA' is marked as deprecated.
src\TK.C(1659): warning #2215: Conversion from 'int' to 'unsigned char'; possible loss of data or unexpected result.
src\TK.C(1826): warning #2229: Local 'iMinEntry' is potentially used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TK.C(1825): warning #2229: Local 'iMinEntry' is potentially used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TK.C(1965): warning #2215: Conversion from 'unsigned int' to 'unsigned short int'; possible loss of data or unexpected result.
src\TK.C(2015): warning #2215: Conversion from 'unsigned int' to 'unsigned short int'; possible loss of data or unexpected result.
src\TK.C(2044): warning #2238: Array index '255' is out-of-bounds for 'PALETTEENTRY (aka struct tagPALETTEENTRY) [1]'.
src\TK.C(2045): warning #2238: Array index '255' is out-of-bounds for 'PALETTEENTRY (aka struct tagPALETTEENTRY) [1]'.
src\TK.C(2046): warning #2238: Array index '255' is out-of-bounds for 'PALETTEENTRY (aka struct tagPALETTEENTRY) [1]'.
src\TK.C(2049): warning #2238: Array index '255' is out-of-bounds for 'PALETTEENTRY (aka struct tagPALETTEENTRY) [1]'.
src\TK.C(2442): warning #2116: Local 'hStock' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TK.C(2441): warning #2116: Local 'hStock' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
Process terminated with status -1073741819 (0 minute(s), 1 second(s))
src\TKFONT.C(13655): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13651): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13648): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13644): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13643): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13684): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13680): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13677): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13673): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13672): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13713): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13709): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13706): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13702): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13701): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
Process terminated with status -1073741819 (0 minute(s), 1 second(s))
Process terminated with status -1073741819 (0 minute(s), 6 second(s))
Process terminated with status -1073741819 (0 minute(s), 6 second(s))
Process terminated with status -1073741819 (0 minute(s), 6 second(s))
Process terminated with status -1073741819 (0 minute(s), 6 second(s))
0 error(s), 40 warning(s) (0 minute(s), 6 second(s))
Build log saved as:

Just to verify, I try to run and finish generation of OBJ in command console, and the result is good :

C:\src\OpenGL\Glaux>pocc.exe /nologo  -Tx86-coff /Ze /c /DNDEBUG /D_X86_ /DBUILD_DLL  -Tx86-coff /D_X86_   /IC:\PellesC\include\Win /IC:\PellesC\include /c src\TKIMAGE.C /FoobjPELLESC32\Release\src\TKIMAGE.obj

C:\src\OpenGL\Glaux>pocc.exe /nologo  -Tx86-coff /Ze /c /DNDEBUG /D_X86_ /DBUILD_DLL  -Tx86-coff /D_X86_   /IC:\PellesC\include\Win /IC:\PellesC\include /c src\VECT3D.C /FoobjPELLESC32\Release\src\VECT3D.obj

C:\src\OpenGL\Glaux>pocc.exe /nologo  -Tx86-coff /Ze /c /DNDEBUG /D_X86_ /DBUILD_DLL  -Tx86-coff /D_X86_   /IC:\PellesC\include\Win /IC:\PellesC\include /c src\XFORM.C /FoobjPELLESC32\Release\src\XFORM.obj

Thank's to proposition, it's a good track, but unresolve behaviour ..;

Development / Re: UI for project globs aka automatic source directories
« Last post by Miguel Gimenez on January 07, 2025, 12:42:39 pm »
This was added after 20.03; You will find it in a recent nightly or in the upcoming release.
Status -1073741819 (0xC0000005 in hex) indicates an access violation inside pocc.exe.

Does objPELLESC32\Debug\src exist in the folder containing the CBP? Is it writable?
Help / Re: I want to modify the source code to support custom key mapping
« Last post by PB on January 06, 2025, 10:30:05 pm »
I have vanilla C::B 20.03 (i.e., no extra plugins) on Windows 10 and Shift+Space inserts a plain space there, at least in .h and .cpp files.
Help / Re: I want to modify the source code to support custom key mapping
« Last post by Pecan on January 06, 2025, 09:43:25 pm »
When using the internal editor of Code::Blocks (on the Windows platform), I found that pressing Shift and Space simultaneously does not input a space, whereas on the Ubuntu platform, Code::Blocks allows it, and other editors on Windows also support this. I have successfully built Code::Blocks from source, and now I want to determine which part of the code files needs to be modified to make Shift+Space work. Could you provide any information you know about this? It can be general; it doesn't need to pinpoint the exact code location.

The keyboard is handled via Menu/Settings/Keyboard Shortcuts.
For me, on Windows with Codeblocks Nightly version, Shift+space is unassigned, and works as you describe.
Look to see  if something else has been assigned to shift + space key combination.
Development / Re: UI for project globs aka automatic source directories
« Last post by LJL_Houben on January 06, 2025, 05:18:24 pm »
Quick and dirty wiki article...
i do not know how to describe it better:

I'm trying to find the 'Automatic source paths...' option. When I don't see it and I'm running the latest binairy release (20.03 windows) version, is this a bug or do I need to install something?

With kind regards

Help / Change directory of .layout file from a project
« Last post by LJL_Houben on January 06, 2025, 04:40:59 pm »
Hi All

How do I change the save location for the '*.layout' file that comes with the project file?
As a newbee, I'm trying to setup my project environment. I like a clean folder structure and all generated files/setting etc should not clotter up my folder structure. For the most files I managed to change the directory, but I cannot find any (Google) help with changing the location of the .layout file from the project I'm trying to create. I would like to generate/save that file in a 'Tmp' subfolder within my project structure. Were do I change this directory? If it is not possible within the GUI, than which file to manipulate? Thanks for any suggestions.

With kind regards

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