The new Release 20.03 is out! You can download binaries for Windows and many major Linux distros here .
#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>/******************************* Wage Calculator* Ashley M Begley*******************************/int s, a;float b;int main(){ printf("COPYRIGHT INFORMATION\n-------------------\nThis program was designed by Ashley M Begley, who owns all copyright deeds to this program!\n\n"); printf("\n\n---------------------------------------------\n\nWelcome to 'Wage Pro Estimator'!"); printf("\n\nThis program is really simple to use. Just answer the questions below and my big brain will work it all out for you ;)"); printf("\n\n1) What is your hourly pay rate in GBS?: "); scanf("%f", &b); printf("2) How many shifts have you done this pay period period?: "); scanf("%d", &a); float wage[a]; float avg = 0; for (s = 0 ; s < a; s++) { printf("How many hours did you work in shift %d? : ", s+1); scanf(" %f", &wage[s]); avg += wage[s]; } avg *=b; printf("\nYour estimated wage is %.2f GBS", avg);return 0;}