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Codeblocks MCU / OpenOCD plugin

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Hi Joerg,

There is no mechanism for counting breakpoints at the moment, and as you are using hardware breakpoints that is most likely the problem.
From memory there are 2 on the ARM7TDMI. I have done all my testing so far debugging from RAM, which has unlimited breakpoints. We do need a mechanism for limiting and I will add it to the list.

The missing tab sounds like the plugin is not being loaded. When you build the plugin, the plugin files (should) be automatically copied to the codeblocks plugin directory.

After compiling, in the $(#cb)\devel directory there should be libmcumgr.a. This is the mcu manager singleton shared between the mcu.dll plugin and the mcu sub-plugins.
In the $(#cb)\devel\share\CodeBlocks\plugins directory there should be mcu.dll
In $(#cb)\devel\share\CodeBlocks\plugins\mcudrv directory there should be the mcu sub-plugins libSTM32.a, STM32.xml, libSTR7.a, STR7.xml (and soon a generic driver but it's not on SVN yet).

Are you using windows or linux?


Hi Martin,

--- Quote ---There is no mechanism for counting breakpoints at the moment, and as you are using hardware breakpoints that is most likely the problem.
--- End quote ---

Setting and deleting breakpoints the normal way (without your plugin) worked for me.
(I heard gdb always counts up on every breakpoints, so that's not the problem
as I first thought.)

If I set the first breakpoint it doesn't get hit.
If I set the second one the first one gets hit but
gdb points to the code of the second one !  :shock:

--- Quote ---The missing tab sounds like the plugin is not being loaded.
--- End quote ---

I was talking about the tabs 'Envars Options' and 'Library', expected to show directly after your new tab.
At least, I need Envars Options to compile.
Maybe a clean/build of c::b will put everything in place again?

Hi Joerg,

Not sure why your tabs are not displaying correctly.
I have comitted an STR7 demo project to SVN, you should be able to get that now. Do you want to give that a try?
Also, I have made a slight change to the patch I issued earler. I originally had cbEVT_DEBUGGER_FINISHED dispatched from here:

--- Code: ---void DebuggerGDB::Stop()

--- End code ---

Which is OK, except when GDB fails to run because of an error. If an error occurrs, it does not stop OpenOCD. So it's better here:

--- Code: ---void DebuggerGDB::OnGDBTerminated(wxCommandEvent& event)
    m_PidToAttach = 0;

    m_LastExitCode = event.GetInt();
    //the process deletes itself
//    m_pProcess = 0L;

    Manager::Get()->GetLogManager()->Log(F(_("Debugger finished with status %d"), m_LastExitCode), m_PageIndex);

    if (m_NoDebugInfo)
        cbMessageBox(_("This project/target has no debugging info."
                        "Please change this in the project's build options and retry..."),

    // Notify debugger plugins for end of debug session
    PluginManager *plm = Manager::Get()->GetPluginManager();
    CodeBlocksEvent evt(cbEVT_DEBUGGER_FINISHED);

    // switch to the user-defined layout when finished debugging

    #ifdef __WXGTK__
    // kill any linux console
    if ( m_bIsConsole && (m_nConsolePid > 0) )
        m_nConsolePid = 0;
        m_bIsConsole = false;

--- End code ---


I have updated and compiled your plugin project and codeblocks.
I've loaded the STR7 demo but it doesn't compile because the linker script is missing 'ram71x.ld'.

I had to change the openocd.cfg because I use the olimex tiny adapter:
ft2232_device_desc "Olimex OpenOCD JTAG TINY A"

I didn't apply your new patch. Can you post a patch file?

I'm still missing the Envars/Options and Libraries tabs, here is a screenshot:

[attachment deleted by admin]

Hi Jeorg,

Ok sorry I use the SARM gnu toolchain we use at work, this already contains the ram71x.ld/rom71x.ld file.
I have attached my patch.


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