Sounds like a very good idea for a plugin

. Unfortunately as far as I know nobody is working on this

I'd sure like someone to take up the task though, I really love the Java refactorings in Eclipse and would certainly be interested in a plugin for Code::Blocks that implemented something similar for C++.
Unfortunately, the fact that C++ has a preprocessor will probably make refactoring for it more difficult to implement as fully as possible for Java. I think implementing it the same way Eclipse does will be very difficult, as that would entail implementing a dynamic syntax tree of the files being edited (scratch that, of everything that uses anything declared in it even). Which requires a dynamic standards-compliant preprocessor and parser for C++ (one of the more difficult languages to parse fully).
However, a more limited form may be possible by ignoring preprocessing (or at least the more advanced uses of it) and not parsing expressions fully, but just enough to recognize what elements it contains (for instance, operator precedence probably doesn't matter much, but things like function calls are easily recognizable and handy for things like renaming said functions).