Author Topic: SDL won't work! [Windows XP]  (Read 4102 times)


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SDL won't work! [Windows XP]
« on: August 18, 2008, 07:39:56 pm »
I just got the latest version of Code::Blocks the other night, and have been super-eager to install and set up SDL so I can begin practicing with sound and graphics in my C++ programs.

However, C::B won't let me set it up properly. At first, it asked for some very cryptic path info, like "base member," "cflags" and other things I should know, but don't, and would refuse to accept even what seemed like the proper path to SDL's correct directory.

Now it luckily doesn't do that anymore (at least I hope it won't,) and hey, it even accepts the directory I put in at long last (I think in my fit of attempting to set things up, I must've jury-rigged the danged thing to work.) But now, after two or so pages of successful setup in the (sadly, unavoidable) application setup wizard, though my SDL project looks okay, it will not run/compile. Idiotically enough, the error log says "no such file or directory" for all the essential SDL H files, even though they're CLEARLY there! Check out these images:

It starts out here.

I get this semi-cryptic page now, but I think it's nothing bad.

"No such file or directory." Give me a break! There has GOT to be a way around this major roadblock.

oh, and FYI, I placed the folder "SDL," originally from inside the "include" folder of the extracted SDL archive, I placed it inside the "include" directory of MinGW, following as close to exactly as I could the instructions for SDL setup on the Code::Blocks wiki.

Please help out, I'm really stuck and cannot resume practicing until this is fixed.

original situation

:x This is really frustrating :x

I tried everything the C::B wiki told me to on setting up SDL with Code::Blocks, but it still will not work. I copied all the necessary files into MinGW's folders, I started a new SDL application project, but something went wrong. Instead of letting me go to "build options," like the wiki said it would, it launched the starter wizard instead! I can't escape it either.

Instead of giving an option to specify the proper paths, it displays tons of cryptic things like the "base member" and "cflags" instead of simply the proper paths to the essential SDL files. The wiki said the paths would be there automatically!

Also, I DID link to the "include" folder in the MinGW directory, just like the wiki told me too, but when I tried to continue, it says that "the path appears to be valid, but cannot be reached by the wizard," or something like that. Please help, I'm a beginner at this and all I want is to get SDL working so I can start practicing my game development skills.

PS: If I'm missing anything I should know, please don't be I said I'm a beginner and I'm very impatient...I could've missed something important.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2008, 04:52:58 am by Forestknight25 »

Offline tsl

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Re: SDL won't work! [Windows XP]
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2008, 12:23:56 am »
One big question first: Did you get the SDL source code, or the SDK?

If you got the source code, you first have to build the code into libraries.  There should be plenty of documentation on the SDL website about how to do that.

If you got the SDK, chances are you didn't install it in the MinGW folder.  If you can remember where you installed it, just give C::B the SDK path and filename when it asks for the SDL location.

Good luck!


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Re: SDL won't work! [Windows XP]
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2008, 01:05:32 am »
Considering I got the compiled binaries and not the source code, I'm assuming that is the SDK.

Actually, I think I have successfully solved this problem through trial and error. Thanks for the tip, I will return to it if SDL gives me further troubles :)