...The "codesnippets.exe" stand-alone executable does not work...
Thanks, fixed in svn 5126
I saw the changes and it's working now. ;-)
But... You quote all over the files that C::B is lying when it comes to
GetConfigFolder(), but C::B is *not*. This method returns the current path of config files, which really is the one returned. What you are looking for is a special file, named
[personality].conf under a special case, in the case of relocation (portable C::B). If you want to retrieve this file then the C::B documentation states what you have to do. You need to do something like:
PersonalityManager* PersMan = Manager::Get()->GetPersonalityManager();
wxString personality = PersMan->GetPersonality();
ConfigManager* CfgMan = Manager::Get()->GetConfigManager(_T("app"));
wxString current_conf_file = CfgMan->LocateDataFile(personality+_T(".conf"), sdAllKnown);
This way,
current_conf_file is retrieved "the right way". Hence the config folder may be different. This is just a special case if ConfigManager::relo is true.