Author Topic: Tips and Tricks - Double Click a Word - with keyboard?  (Read 3675 times)

Offline n0083

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Tips and Tricks - Double Click a Word - with keyboard?
« on: June 26, 2008, 06:37:09 pm »

you know how when you double click a word in code::blocks editor it highlights that word (variable, object, index).  Is there a way to do that with the keyboard?

so for instance if my cursor was after the d in the index displayed by the bar |, if i then issued some keyboard shortcut the word "index" would be selected/highlighted.
some array[ind|ex];

if there is no such thing, that would be rad if it were added.  It is kinda a shortcut trick like copying the current line with ctrl-d.

I love C::B


Offline jfouche

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Re: Tips and Tricks - Double Click a Word - with keyboard?
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2008, 07:54:33 pm »

I use CTRL <- / -> (arrows) to move from word to word and CTRL SHIFT <- / -> to select word.